Java GC Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples - v1.12, by Herong Yang - Program Output
This section describes output data generated by the GC tuning test program -
Before we do any GC performance tests with the, let's run it with no wait time and no warmup to review its output:
herong> javac herong> java GCPerformance 1024 32 64 0 0 Parameters: Size=1024KB, Base=32, Chunk=64, Wait=0ms, Warmup=0 Real:Exec Lat. Throughput Total:Free Proc. Time:Time ms/o Ave:Min:Max:Chunk Mem.:Mem. Obj. 88:88 1375 727:727:727:727 909312:711400 64 ---- ----- ---- | | |- 64 obj. processed | |- Throughput: 727 objects per second |- Latency: 1375 ms per 1000 objects 143:143 1375 895:727:1163:1163 601088:403076 128 163:163 1375 1177:727:3200:3200 505856:307832 192 199:199 1375 1286:727:3200:1777 580608:382614 256 ---- ---- | |- Ave. throughput: 1917 objects per second |- Latency: 1375 ms per 1000 objects ...
Note that you may get an "ArithmeticException: / by zero", if you use a low object size and chunk size. For example:
herong> java GCPerformance 1024 32 32 0 0 Parameters: Size=1024KB, Base=32, Chunk=32, Wait=0ms, Warmup=0 Real:Exec Lat. Throughput Total:Free Proc. Time:Time ms/o Ave:Min:Max:Chunk Mem.:Mem. Obj. 47:47 1470 680:680:680:680 362496:230119 32 78:78 1470 820:680:1032:1032 362496:230022 64 93:93 1470 1032:680:2133:2133 362496:230009 96 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero at GCPerformance.myTest( at GCPerformance.main(
Descriptions on output columns:
For this running session, the application performance is:
Throughput: 399 objects per seconds Latency: 3906 milliseconds per 1000 objects
Table of Contents
Heap Memory Area and Size Control
JVM Garbage Collection Logging
Introduction of Garbage Collectors
Serial Collector - "+XX:+UseSerialGC"
Parallel Collector - "+XX:+UseParallelGC"
Concurrent Mark-Sweep (CMS) Collector - "+XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC"
Garbage First (G1) Collector - "+XX:+UseG1GC"
The Z Garbage Collector (ZGC) - "+XX:+UseZGC"
Object References and Garbage Collection
►Garbage Collection Performance Test Program - GC Performance Test Program
► - Program Output
Performance Impact of Wait Time
Performance Impact of Object Size
Performance Impact of Chunk Size
Performance Jumps Not Related to GC
Performance Test and System Interruptions
"START /REALTIME" - Run JVM with Highest Priority - 99th Percentile Performance - Output Verification - Percentile Performance with Load - Work Load Level - Object Number and Size
Performance Tests on Serial Collector
Performance Tests on Parallel collector
Performance Tests on Concurrent collector
Performance Tests on G1 collector