Java GC Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples - v1.12, by Herong Yang
Adaptive Size Policy Log Messages
This section provides examples and explanations of log messages generated '-Xlog:gc+ergo=debug' and '-XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyOutputInterval=1' JVM options used with the Parallel collector.
As we described in the previous section, the "Adaptive Size Policy" feature supported by the Parallel collector dynamically changes generation sizes to meet application performance goals.
Before we do any further tests, let's run our test program again with "-Xlog:gc+ergo=debug" and "-XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyOutputInterval=1" JVM options to see what we can get from the log messages:
herong> java -Xms1200m -Xmx1200m -XX:NewRatio=1 -XX:SurvivorRatio=1 \ -XX:+UseParallelGC -Xlog:gc=debug,gc+heap=debug,gc+ergo=debug \ -XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyOutputInterval=1 \ GarbageCollection2 Step/TotalMemory/FreeMemory/UsedMemory: 1 1048576000 1019201136 29374864 ... 172 1048576000 839891904 208684096 [debug][gc,heap] GC(0) Heap before GC invocations=1 (full 0): PSYoungGen... [debug][gc,heap] GC(0) eden space 204800K, 99% used [... [debug][gc,heap] GC(0) from space 204800K, 0% used [... [debug][gc,heap] GC(0) to space 204800K, 0% used [... [debug][gc,heap] GC(0) ParOldGen total 614400K, used 0K [... [debug][gc,heap] GC(0) object space 614400K, 0% used [... -- Message generated by -Xlog:gc+ergo=debug [debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) AdaptiveSizeStart: collection: 1 [debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) PSAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_eden_space_size limits: desired_eden_size: 419430400 old_eden_size: 209715200 eden_limit: 209715200 cur_eden: 209715200 max_eden_size: 209715200 avg_young_live: 35652144 [debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) PSAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_eden_space_size: costs minor_time: 0.019342 major_cost: 0.000000 mutator_cost: 0.980658 throughput_goal: 0.990000 [debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) Live_space: 304087616 free_space: 419430400 [debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) Old eden_size: 209715200 desired_eden_size: 209715200 [debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) AdaptiveSizeStop: collection: 1 [info ][gc,heap] GC(0) PSYoungGen: 203793K->34816K(409600K) [info ][gc,heap] GC(0) ParOldGen: 0K->16K(614400K) [info ][gc ] GC(0) Pause Young (Allocation Failure) 199M->34M(1000M) 11.677ms [debug][gc,heap] GC(0) Heap after GC invocations=1 (full 0): PSYoungGen... [debug][gc,heap] GC(0) eden space 204800K, 0% used [... [debug][gc,heap] GC(0) from space 204800K, 17% used [... [debug][gc,heap] GC(0) to space 204800K, 0% used [... [debug][gc,heap] GC(0) ParOldGen total 614400K, used 16K [... [debug][gc,heap] GC(0) object space 614400K, 0% used [... -- Extra message generated by -XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyOutputInterval=1 [debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) UseAdaptiveSizePolicy actions to meet *** throughput goal *** [debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) GC overhead (%) [debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) Young generation: 1.93 (attempted to grow) [debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) Tenured generation: 0.00 (no change) ...
Let's take a closer look at the "Adaptive Size" collection message:
[debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) AdaptiveSizeStart: collection: 1 [debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) PSAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_eden_space_size limits: desired_eden_size: 419430400 old_eden_size: 209715200 eden_limit: 209715200 cur_eden: 209715200 max_eden_size: 209715200 avg_young_live: 35652144 [debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) PSAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_eden_space_size: costs minor_time: 0.019342 major_cost: 0.000000 mutator_cost: 0.980658 throughput_goal: 0.990000 [debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) Live_space: 304087616 free_space: 419430400 [debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) Old eden_size: 209715200 desired_eden_size: 209715200 [debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) AdaptiveSizeStop: collection: 1
Here is a detailed explanation of each line in the message:
[debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) AdaptiveSizeStart: collection: 1 -- Collection #1 started [debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) PSAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_eden_space_size limits: desired_eden_size: 419430400 old_eden_size: 209715200 eden_limit: 209715200 cur_eden: 209715200 max_eden_size: 209715200 avg_young_live: 35652144 -- Suggested to increase "eden" to 419430400 based on space analysis [debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) PSAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_eden_space_size: costs minor_time: 0.019342 major_cost: 0.000000 mutator_cost: 0.980658 throughput_goal: 0.990000 -- Summary of the current costs and goal. [debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) Live_space: 304087616 free_space: 419430400 -- Not sure where the live space came from [debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) Old eden_size: 209715200 desired_eden_size: 209715200 -- Suggested to keep "eden" as 209715200 based on GC time cost [debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) AdaptiveSizeStop: collection: 1 -- Collection #1 started
Let's take a closer look at the "Adaptive Size" collection message:
[debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) UseAdaptiveSizePolicy actions to meet *** throughput goal *** [debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) GC overhead (%) [debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) Young generation: 1.93 (attempted to grow) [debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) Tenured generation: 0.00 (no change)
Here is a detailed explanation of each line in the message:
[debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) UseAdaptiveSizePolicy actions to meet *** throughput goal *** -- Decided to meet Throughput goal [debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) GC overhead (%) [debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) Young generation: 1.93 (attempted to grow) -- Minor GC time percentage so far: 3.38% -- Which is above the default desire level of 1% -- Decided to increase Young generation to reduce GC time [debug][gc,ergo] GC(0) Tenured generation: 0.00 (no change) -- Major GC time percentage so far: 0.00% -- Decided to keep Tenured generation size
Table of Contents
Heap Memory Area and Size Control
JVM Garbage Collection Logging
Introduction of Garbage Collectors
Serial Collector - "+XX:+UseSerialGC"
►Parallel Collector - "+XX:+UseParallelGC"
Parallel Collector GC Log Message Format
Log Message Types from Parallel Collector
"--Xlog:gc+task+time=debug" - Print GC Threads
"-XX:ParallelGCThreads" - # of Threads
Parallel Collector Stops Application for Minor/Major GC
PSYoungGen Collector Using Tenuring Age
Parallel Collector Changing NewRatio and SurvivorRatio
Parallel Collector Adaptive Size Policy
►Adaptive Size Policy Log Messages
"-Xlog:gc+ergo=trace" - Minor GC Report
Adaptive Size Policy Changed Survivor Space
Adaptive Size Policy Changed Eden Space
Adaptive Size Policy for Best Latency
Parallel Collector Stopped using Young Generation
Adaptive Size Policy for Best Throughput
Concurrent Mark-Sweep (CMS) Collector - "+XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC"
Garbage First (G1) Collector - "+XX:+UseG1GC"
The Z Garbage Collector (ZGC) - "+XX:+UseZGC"
Object References and Garbage Collection
Garbage Collection Performance Test Program
Performance Tests on Serial Collector
Performance Tests on Parallel collector
Performance Tests on Concurrent collector
Performance Tests on G1 collector