Java GC Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples - v1.12, by Herong Yang
Garbage Collection Demo Program
This section provides a tutorial example on watch how the garbage collection process works on HotSpot and other JVMs.
In the previous tutorial, we observed how JVM allocates more and more objects in the Heap. Eventually, JVM throws the OutOfMemoryError when the Heap runs out of space.
In this tutorial, we will observe how JVM deallocates unreferenced objects to free up space the Heap. The deallocation of unreferenced objects from the Heap is also called "Garbage Collection". The code in the JVM that allocates and deallocates objects is also called "Garbage Collector".
Here is my first sample program,, that will shows us how the garbage collector works.
/* * Copyright (c) All Rights Reserved. */ class GarbageCollection { public static void main(String[] a) { int max = 10000; int min = 32; Object[] arr = new Object[min]; Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); System.out.println("Step/TotalMemory/FreeMemory/UsedMemory:"); for (int m=0; m<max; m++) { for (int n=0; n<min-1; n++) arr[min-n-1] = arr[min-n-2]; arr[0] = getOneMega(); long total = rt.totalMemory(); long free = rt.freeMemory(); System.out.println((m+1)+" "+total+" "+free+" " +(total-free)); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println("Interreupted..."); } } } private static Object getOneMega() { Object[] lst = new Object[10]; lst[0] = new long[256*128]; // 1/4 MB lst[1] = new int[256*256]; // 1/4 MB lst[2] = new double[256*128]; // 1/4 MB lst[3] = new float[64*256]; // 1/16 MB lst[4] = new byte[64*1024]; // 1/16 MB String[] l = new String[64*64]; // 1/16 MB for (int i=0; i<64*64; i++) l[i] = new String("12345678"); // 16B lst[5] = l; lst[6] = new char[64*512]; // 1/16 MB return lst; } }
Notes on this tutorial program:
Compile and run the program with HotSpot JVM 17 with -Xms2m -Xmx64m:
herong> javac herong> java -Xms2m -Xmx64m GarbageCollection Step/TotalMemory/FreeMemory/UsedMemory: 1 2031616 696840 1334776 2 5562368 3165016 2397352 3 5562368 2102168 3460200 4 5562368 1043888 4518480 5 12759040 7172168 5586872 6 12759040 6102408 6656632 7 12759040 5044352 7714688 8 12759040 3974592 8784448 9 12759040 2915128 9843912 10 12759040 1848840 10910200 11 12759040 782552 11976488 12 28614656 15595824 13018832 13 28614656 14528928 14085728 14 28614656 13462032 15152624 15 28614656 12395136 16219520 16 28614656 11328240 17286416 17 28614656 10261344 18353312 18 28614656 9194448 19420208 19 28614656 8135768 20478888 20 28614656 7064272 21550384 21 28614656 6007168 22607488 22 28614656 4935672 23678984 23 28614656 3878568 24736088 24 28614656 2807072 25807584 25 28614656 1735576 26879080 26 63868928 35937040 27931888 27 63868928 34852040 29016888 28 63868928 33783440 30085488 29 63868928 32714840 31154088 30 63868928 31674728 32194200 31 63868928 30589728 33279200 32 63868928 29521128 34347800 - Array is fully loaded 33 63868928 28452528 35416400 34 63868928 27412416 36456512 35 63868928 26327416 37541512 36 63868928 25258816 38610112 37 63868928 24190216 39678712 38 63868928 23150104 40718824 39 63868928 22081504 41787424 40 63868928 20996504 42872424 41 63868928 19927904 43941024 42 63868928 18897752 44971176 43 63868928 17831912 46037016 44 63868928 16766072 47102856 45 63868928 15672664 48196264 46 63868928 14606824 49262104 47 63868928 13540984 50327944 48 63868928 12475144 51393784 49 63868928 11409304 52459624 50 63868928 10343464 53525464 51 63868928 9277624 54591304 52 63868928 8211784 55657144 53 63868928 7145944 56722984 54 63868928 6080104 57788824 55 63868928 5014264 58854664 56 63868928 3948424 59920504 57 63868928 2882584 60986344 58 64880640 28542728 36337912 - Garbage collected 59 64880640 27460008 37420632 60 64880640 26393688 38486952 61 64880640 25327368 39553272 62 64880640 24261048 40619592 63 64880640 23194728 41685912 64 64880640 22128408 42752232 65 64880640 21062088 43818552 66 64880640 19995768 44884872 67 64880640 18929448 45951192 68 64880640 17863128 47017512 69 64880640 16796808 48083832 70 64880640 15730488 49150152 71 64880640 14664168 50216472 72 64880640 13597848 51282792 73 64880640 12531528 52349112 74 64880640 11465208 53415432 75 64880640 28542128 36338512 - Garbage collected 76 64880640 27458808 37421832 77 64880640 26391888 38488752 78 64880640 25324968 39555672 79 64880640 24258048 40622592 80 64880640 23191128 41689512 81 64880640 22124208 42756432 82 64880640 21057288 43823352 83 64880640 19990368 44890272 84 64880640 18923448 45957192 85 64880640 17856528 47024112 86 64880640 16789608 48091032 87 64880640 15722688 49157952 88 64880640 14655768 50224872 89 64880640 13588848 51291792 90 64880640 12521928 52358712 91 64880640 30561512 34319128 - Garbage collected 92 64880640 29493832 35386808 93 64880640 28409816 36470824 94 64880640 27342200 37538440 95 64880640 26274584 38606056 96 64880640 25206968 39673672 97 64880640 24139352 40741288 98 64880640 23099896 41780744 99 64880640 22015880 42864760 100 64880640 20948264 43932376 101 64880640 19880648 44999992 102 64880640 18813032 46067608 103 64880640 17745416 47135224 104 64880640 16705960 48174680 105 64880640 15638344 49242296 106 64880640 14554328 50326312 107 64880640 13486712 51393928 108 64880640 30560984 34319656 - Garbage collected 109 64880640 29467848 35412792 ... (Ctrl-C)
Notes on the output:
Running on other versions of HotSpot and JRockit gives similar results.
Table of Contents
Heap Memory Area and Size Control
►JVM Garbage Collection Logging
►Garbage Collection Demo Program
Garbage Collection Logging Options
"-Xlog:gc" - Default GC Logging Level: INFO
"-Xlog:gc=trace" - Lowest GC Logging Level: TRACE
"-Xlog:gc+heap=trace" - GC+HEAP Log Messages
"-Xlog:gc*=trace" - Maximum GC Logging
"-XX:+PrintFlagsFinal" - Print JVM Options
Introduction of Garbage Collectors
Serial Collector - "+XX:+UseSerialGC"
Parallel Collector - "+XX:+UseParallelGC"
Concurrent Mark-Sweep (CMS) Collector - "+XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC"
Garbage First (G1) Collector - "+XX:+UseG1GC"
The Z Garbage Collector (ZGC) - "+XX:+UseZGC"
Object References and Garbage Collection
Garbage Collection Performance Test Program
Performance Tests on Serial Collector
Performance Tests on Parallel collector
Performance Tests on Concurrent collector
Performance Tests on G1 collector