Archived: 1076/800/80MB Test on JRockit 28.2

This section provides a tutorial example on running on JRockit 28.2.7 with 1078MB memory limit and a 800MB base plus 80MB fluctuating memory usage with object size of 1.25MB.

As a comparison, I ran with the same parameters on HotSpot JVM R28.2.7 on my Windows 7 system:

herong> \Progra~1\java\jrockit-jdk1.6.0_45-R28.2.7-4.1.0\bin\java \
   -Xmx1076m GCTest2 1280 640 64

Test parameters:
   Object size: 1280KB
   Initial objects and data size: 640, 819200KB
   Added objects and data size: 64, 81920KB
Time    Total    Free     Used  Free   Total    Act.    Dead  Over
sec.     Mem.    Mem.     Mem.    %.    Obj.    Obj.    Obj.  Head
   1  1101824  200435   901389  18%   901120  819200   81920  269
   2  1101824  118489   983335  10%   983040  819200  163840  295
   3  1101824   36568  1065256   3%  1064960  819200  245760  296
   4  1101824  200438   901386  18%   901120  819200   81920  266
   5  1101824  118492   983332  10%   983040  819200  163840  292
   6  1101824   36571  1065253   3%  1064960  819200  245760  293
   7  1101824  200435   901389  18%   901120  819200   81920  269
   8  1101824  118514   983310  10%   983040  819200  163840  270
  10  1101824   36569  1065255   3%  1064960  819200  245760  295
  11  1101824  200434   901390  18%   901120  819200   81920  270
  12  1101824  118488   983336  10%   983040  819200  163840  296
  13  1101824   36567  1065257   3%  1064960  819200  245760  297
  14  1101824  200433   901391  18%   901120  819200   81920  271
  15  1101824  118512   983312  10%   983040  819200  163840  272
  16  1101824   36567  1065257   3%  1064960  819200  245760  297
  17  1101824  200432   901392  18%   901120  819200   81920  272
  18  1101824  118487   983337  10%   983040  819200  163840  297
  19  1101824   36566  1065258   3%  1064960  819200  245760  298
  20  1101824  200433   901391  18%   901120  819200   81920  271
  21  1101824  118512   983312  10%   983040  819200  163840  272
  22  1101824   36567  1065257   3%  1064960  819200  245760  297
  23  1101824  200434   901390  18%   901120  819200   81920  270
  24  1101824  118488   983336  10%   983040  819200  163840  296
  25  1101824   36567  1065257   3%  1064960  819200  245760  297
  27  1101824  200454   901370  18%   901120  819200   81920  250
  28  1101824  118508   983316  10%   983040  819200  163840  276
  29  1101824   36587  1065237   3%  1064960  819200  245760  277
  30  1101824  200450   901374  18%   901120  819200   81920  254
  31  1101824  118504   983320  10%   983040  819200  163840  280
  32  1101824   36583  1065241   3%  1064960  819200  245760  281
  33  1101824  200451   901373  18%   901120  819200   81920  253
  34  1101824  118505   983319  10%   983040  819200  163840  279
  35  1101824   36584  1065240   3%  1064960  819200  245760  280
  36  1101824  200455   901369  18%   901120  819200   81920  249
  37  1101824  118509   983315  10%   983040  819200  163840  275
  38  1101824   36588  1065236   3%  1064960  819200  245760  276
  39  1101824  200454   901370  18%   901120  819200   81920  250
  40  1101824  118508   983316  10%   983040  819200  163840  276
  41  1101824   36587  1065237   3%  1064960  819200  245760  277
  43  1101824  200452   901372  18%   901120  819200   81920  252
  44  1101824  118506   983318  10%   983040  819200  163840  278
  45  1101824   36585  1065239   3%  1064960  819200  245760  279
  46  1101824  200448   901376  18%   901120  819200   81920  256
  47  1101824  118502   983322  10%   983040  819200  163840  282
  48  1101824   36581  1065243   3%  1064960  819200  245760  283
  49  1101824  200457   901367  18%   901120  819200   81920  247
  50  1101824  118509   983315  10%   983040  819200  163840  275
  51  1101824   36588  1065236   3%  1064960  819200  245760  276
 298  1101824  200450   901374  18%   901120  819200   81920  254
 299  1101824  118504   983320  10%   983040  819200  163840  280
 300  1101824   36583  1065241   3%  1064960  819200  245760  281

Again the JRockit GC behaved better than HotSpot Client JVM.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Heap Memory Area and Size Control

 JVM Garbage Collection Logging

 Introduction of Garbage Collectors

 Serial Collector - "+XX:+UseSerialGC"

 Parallel Collector - "+XX:+UseParallelGC"

 Concurrent Mark-Sweep (CMS) Collector - "+XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC"

 Garbage First (G1) Collector - "+XX:+UseG1GC"

 Object References and Garbage Collection

 Garbage Collection Performance Test Program

 Performance Tests on Serial Collector

 Performance Tests on Parallel collector

 Performance Tests on Concurrent collector

 Performance Tests on G1 collector

 Garbage Collection Performance Test Summary

Archived Tutorials

 Archived: - Garbage Collection Test Program

 Archived: 640/400/40MB Test on HotSpot Client 1.7

 Archived: 640/400/40MB Test on HotSpot Client 1.6

 Archived: 640/400/40MB Test on JRockit 28.2

 Archived: 441/400/40MB Test on JRockit 28.2

 Archived: 1076/800/80MB Test on HotSpot Client 1.7

 Archived: 1076/800/80MB Test on HotSpot Client 1.6

Archived: 1076/800/80MB Test on JRockit 28.2


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