"integer" "multiplication" Operation

This section describes 'integer' 'multiplication' operation

The "integer" "multiplication" operation is provided through the integer.multiply() function, which has the following syntax:

integer.multiply(a, b)

   a - First "integer" data object
   b - Second "integer" data object
   Returns a new "integer" data object representing resulting value 
   of "a multiply by b".

   Throws "IntegerOverflow" error code, if the result is too "big" 
   to be stored in an "integer" data object.

The "integer" "multiplication" operation can be expressed in the "*" operator format:

a * b; # alias of the following function call
integer.multiply(a, b); 

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction of H Language


 Data Types




 "boolean" Data Type

"integer" Data Type

 What Is "integer" Data Type

 "integer" Literals

 Constructor Function: integer()

 "integer" "addition" Operation

 "integer" "subtraction" Operation

"integer" "multiplication" Operation

 "integer" "division" Operation

 "integer" "modulo" Operation

 "integer" "exponentiation" Operation

 "integer" "negation" Operation

 "integer" "absolute" Operation

 "integer" "greater-than" Operation

 "integer" "less-than" Operation

 "integer" "equal-to" Operation

 "integer" "not-equal-to" Operation

 "integer" "greater-than-or-equal-to" Operation

 "integer" "less-than-or-equal-to" Operation

 "string" Data Type

 "real" Data Type

 "array" Data Type

 Source Code Packages

 Classes and Objects

 Object Oriented Programming

 Inheritance - Object Attachments

 Encapsulation - Private Members


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