Computer History Notes - Herong's Tutorial Notes - v3.13, by Herong Yang
1984 - Macintosh Developed by Apple Inc.
This chapter provides some history of Macintosh computers. The original Macintosh was the first commercial computer system using entire GUI (Graphical User Interface).
Macintosh - The First GUI Based Personal Computer
Table of Contents
2002 - .NET Framework Developed by Microsoft
1995 - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor Created by Rasmus Lerdorf
1995 - Java Language Developed by Sun Microsystems
1991 - WWW (World Wide Web) Developed by Tim Berners-Lee
1991 - Gopher Protocol Created by a University of Minnesota Team
1984 - X Window System Developed a MIT Team
►1984 - Macintosh Developed by Apple Inc.
1983 - "Sendmail" Mail Transfer Agent Developed by Eric Allman
1979 - The Tcsh (TENEX C Shell) Developed by Ken Greer
1978 - Bash (Bourne-Again Shell) Developed by Brian Fox
1978 - The C Shell Developed by Bill Joy
1977 - The Bourne Shell Developed by Stephen Bourne
1977 - Apple II Designed by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
1976 - vi Text Editor Developed by Bill Joy
1974 - Internet by Vinton Cerf
1972 - C Language Developed by Dennis Ritchie
1971 - FTP Protocol Created by Abhay Bhushan
1970 - UNIX Operating System Developed by AT&T Bell Labs