C# Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples
∟WPF - Windows Presentation Foundation
∟System.Windows.Window Class
A quick introduction is provided on the System.Windows.Window class, which represents a window or a dialog box on the screen.
What Is System.Windows.Window Class?
System.Windows.Window is a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) class
that represents a window or a dialog box on the screen.
System.Windows.Window provides the ability to create, configure, show, and manage
the lifetime of a windows or a dialog box.
System.Windows.Window class is located in PresentationFramework.dll assembly.
System.Windows.Window class has the following key methods and properties:
- Window() - The constructor method.
- BorderThickness - Property to get or set the border thickness of this window.
- Title - Property to get or set the title of this window.
- Content - Property to get or set the content of this window.
- Height - Property to get or set the suggested height of this window.
- Width - Property to get or set the suggested width of this window.
- Parent - Property to get the parent window of this window.
- AddChild(Object) - Method to add the specified object as the child of this window.
- Close() - Method to close this window.
- GetType() - Method to get the type of this window.
- Hide() - Method to make this window invisible.
- Show() - Method to open this window and return immediately.
- ShowDialog() - Method to open this window and wait until it's closed.
Table of Contents
About This Book
Introduction of C# (C Sharp)
Data Type and Variables
Logical Expressions and Conditional Statements
Arrays and Loop Statements
Data Type Features
Floating-Point Data Types
Passing Parameters to Methods
Execution Environment Class
Visual C# 2010 Express Edition
Class Features
C# Compiler and Intermediate Language
Compiling C# Source Code Files
MSBuild - Microsoft Build Engine
Memory Usages of Processes
Multithreading in C#
Async Feature from C# 5
System.IO.FileInfo Class
System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo Class
►WPF - Windows Presentation Foundation
What Is WPF?
System.Windows.Application Class
►System.Windows.Window Class
HelloWPF.cs - First WPF Application
System.Windows.Controls Namespace
WPF Button Click Test
Compiling WPF Applications with MSBuild
What Is XAML?
Partial Classes and Partial Methods
Archived Tutorials
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