Big5 Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples - v4.05, by Herong Yang
Big5 to Unicode - Row A3: Special Symbols
Big5 to Unicode code point mapping is provided for Big5 character set - Row A3: Special Symbols.
Row A3: Special Symbols
Big5 Uni. Big5 Uni. Big5 Uni. Big5 Uni. w A340 U+FF57 x A341 U+FF58 y A342 U+FF59 z A343 U+FF5A Α A344 U+0391 Β A345 U+0392 Γ A346 U+0393 Δ A347 U+0394 Ε A348 U+0395 Ζ A349 U+0396 Η A34A U+0397 Θ A34B U+0398 Ι A34C U+0399 Κ A34D U+039A Λ A34E U+039B Μ A34F U+039C Ν A350 U+039D Ξ A351 U+039E Ο A352 U+039F Π A353 U+03A0 Ρ A354 U+03A1 Σ A355 U+03A3 Τ A356 U+03A4 Υ A357 U+03A5 Φ A358 U+03A6 Χ A359 U+03A7 Ψ A35A U+03A8 Ω A35B U+03A9 α A35C U+03B1 β A35D U+03B2 γ A35E U+03B3 δ A35F U+03B4 ε A360 U+03B5 ζ A361 U+03B6 η A362 U+03B7 θ A363 U+03B8 ι A364 U+03B9 κ A365 U+03BA λ A366 U+03BB μ A367 U+03BC ν A368 U+03BD ξ A369 U+03BE ο A36A U+03BF π A36B U+03C0 ρ A36C U+03C1 σ A36D U+03C3 τ A36E U+03C4 υ A36F U+03C5 φ A370 U+03C6 χ A371 U+03C7 ψ A372 U+03C8 ω A373 U+03C9 ㄅ A374 U+3105 ㄆ A375 U+3106 ㄇ A376 U+3107 ㄈ A377 U+3108 ㄉ A378 U+3109 ㄊ A379 U+310A ㄋ A37A U+310B ㄌ A37B U+310C ㄍ A37C U+310D ㄎ A37D U+310E ㄏ A37E U+310F null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null ㄐ A3A1 U+3110 ㄑ A3A2 U+3111 ㄒ A3A3 U+3112 ㄓ A3A4 U+3113 ㄔ A3A5 U+3114 ㄕ A3A6 U+3115 ㄖ A3A7 U+3116 ㄗ A3A8 U+3117 ㄘ A3A9 U+3118 ㄙ A3AA U+3119 ㄚ A3AB U+311A ㄛ A3AC U+311B ㄜ A3AD U+311C ㄝ A3AE U+311D ㄞ A3AF U+311E ㄟ A3B0 U+311F ㄠ A3B1 U+3120 ㄡ A3B2 U+3121 ㄢ A3B3 U+3122 ㄣ A3B4 U+3123 ㄤ A3B5 U+3124 ㄥ A3B6 U+3125 ㄦ A3B7 U+3126 ㄧ A3B8 U+3127 ㄨ A3B9 U+3128 ㄩ A3BA U+3129 ˙ A3BB U+02D9 ˉ A3BC U+02C9 ˊ A3BD U+02CA ˇ A3BE U+02C7 ˋ A3BF U+02CB null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null null U+null
This mapping table was generated by my Java program,, presented earlier in this book. Big5 codes in the first column are converted to the Web page encoding to display Chinese characters.
Table of Contents - Big5 to Unicode Mapping
►Big5 to Unicode Mapping - Special Symbols
Big5 to Unicode - Row A1: Special Symbols
Big5 to Unicode - Row A2: Special Symbols
►Big5 to Unicode - Row A3: Special Symbols
Big5 to Unicode Mapping - Level 1 Characters
Big5 to Unicode Mapping - Level 2 Characters - Unicode to Big5 Mapping
Unicode to Big5 Mapping - All 13,461 Characters