10860: Palmyrene

This section provides a quick summary of the Unicode code point block: 'Palmyrene', which contains 32 code points to represent Palmyrene alphabets used in the Palmyrene language.

Block name: Palmyrene

Block range: U+10860 ... U+1087F

Number of code points: 32

Introduced since: Unicode version 7.0

Complete list of code points: http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U10860.pdf

Code point samples:
Unicode - Palmyrene

The "Palmyrene" block contains code points to represent Palmyrene alphabets used in the Palmyrene language.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Unicode Character Set

 Unicode Code Point Blocks: 0000 - 0FFF

 Unicode Code Point Blocks: 1000 - FFFF

Unicode Code Point Blocks: 10000 - 11FFF

 10000: Linear B Syllabary

 10080: Linear B Ideograms

 10100: Aegean Numbers

 10140: Ancient Greek Numbers

 10190: Ancient Symbols

 101D0: Phaistos Disc

 10280: Lycian

 102A0: Carian

 102E0: Coptic Epact Numbers

 10300: Old Italic

 10330: Gothic

 10350: Old Permic

 10380: Ugaritic

 103A0: Old Persian

 10400: Deseret

 10450: Shavian

 10480: Osmanya

 104B0: Osage

 10500: Elbasan

 10530: Caucasian Albanian

 10570: Vithkuqi

 10600: Linear A

 10780: Latin Extended-F

 10800: Cypriot Syllabary

 10840: Imperial Aramaic

10860: Palmyrene

 10880: Nabataean

 108E0: Hatran

 10900: Phoenician

 10920: Lydian

 10980: Meroitic Hieroglyphs

 109A0: Meroitic Cursive

 10A00: Kharoshthi

 10A60: Old South Arabian

 10A80: Old North Arabian

 10AC0: Manichaean

 10B00: Avestan

 10B40: Inscriptional Parthian

 10B60: Inscriptional Pahlavi

 10B80: Psalter Pahlavi

 10C00: Old Turkic

 10C80: Old Hungarian

 10D00: Hanifi Rohingya

 10E60: Rumi Numeral Symbols

 10E80: Yezidi

 10EC0: Arabic Extended-C

 10F00: Old Sogdian

 10F30: Sogdian

 10F70: Old Uyghur

 10FB0: Chorasmian

 10FE0: Elymaic

 11000: Brahmi

 11080: Kaithi

 110D0: Sora Sompeng

 11100: Chakma

 11150: Mahajani

 11180: Sharada

 111E0: Sinhala Archaic Numbers

 11200: Khojki

 11280: Multani

 112B0: Khudawadi

 11300: Grantha

 11400: Newa

 11480: Tirhuta

 11580: Siddham

 11600: Modi

 11660: Mongolian Supplement

 11680: Takri

 11700: Ahom

 11800: Dogra

 118A0: Warang Citi

 11900: Dives Akuru

 119A0: Nandinagari

 11A00: Zanabazar Square

 11A50: Soyombo

 11AB0: Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended-A

 11AC0: Pau Cin Hau

 11B00: Devanagari Extended-A

 11C00: Bhaiksuki

 11C70: Marchen

 11D00: Masaram Gondi

 11D60: Gunjala Gondi

 11EE0: Makasar

 11F00: Kawi

 11FB0: Lisu Supplement

 11FC0: Tamil Supplement

 Unicode Code Point Blocks: 12000 - 10FFFF


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