mb_strlen() - Counting Multibyte Characters

This section describes how to count multi-byte characters using php_mbstring.dll module.

Once you have configured PHP to use php_mbstring.dll module, you are ready to use multibyte string functions to manipulate Chinese character strings as characters instead of bytes.

Here is simple example PHP script using mb_strlen() to count Chinese characters in a string:

#- Count-UTF-8.php
#- Copyright (c) 2005 HerongYang.com. All Rights Reserved.
  $help_simplified = '这是一份非常简单的说明书…';
  $help_traditional = '這是一份非常簡單的說明書…';
  $help_gb18030 = '?????????????';
  $help_big5 = '?????????????';
  print('<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"'.
    ' content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>');

# Showing UTF-8 characters
  print('<b>Chinese string in UTF-8 in PHP</b><br/>');
  print('UTF-8 simplified characters: '.$help_simplified.'<br/>');
  print('UTF-8 traditional characters: '.$help_traditional.'<br/>');

# Trying to show GB18030 characters
  print('<b>GB18030 string included in a UTF-8 page</b><br/>');
  print('GB18030 characters: '.$help_gb18030.'<br/>');

# Trying to show Big5 characters
  print('<b>Big5 string included in a UTF-8 page</b><br/>');
  print('Big5 characters: '.$help_big5.'<br/>');

# Counting UTF-8 characters
  print('<b>Count UTF-8 characters in strings:</b><br/>');
  print('UTF-8 simplified characters: '
  print('UTF-8 traditional characters: '
  print('GB18030 characters: '.mb_strlen($help_gb18030).'<br/>');
  print('Big5 characters: '.mb_strlen($help_big5).'<br/>');

# Counting bytes
  print('<b>Count UTF-8 characters in strings:</b><br/>');
  print('UTF-8 simplified characters: '
  print('UTF-8 traditional characters: '
  print('GB18030 characters: '.strlen($help_gb18030).'<br/>');
  print('Big5 characters: '.strlen($help_big5).'<br/>');


Here is the Web page generated from this PHP script:

Counting UTF-8 Characters and Bytes
Counting UTF-8 Characters and Bytes

Look at the Web page carefully, you will see:

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 PHP Installation on Windows Systems

 Integrating PHP with Apache Web Server

 charset="*" - Encodings on Chinese Web Pages

 Chinese Characters in PHP String Literals

Multibyte String Functions in UTF-8 Encoding

 php_mbstring.dll - Multibyte String Extension

mb_strlen() - Counting Multibyte Characters

 List of Multibyte String Functions

 Input Text Data from Web Forms

 Input Chinese Text Data from Web Forms

 MySQL - Installation on Windows

 MySQL - Connecting PHP to Database

 MySQL - Character Set and Encoding

 MySQL - Sending Non-ASCII Text to MySQL

 Retrieving Chinese Text from Database to Web Pages

 Input Chinese Text Data to MySQL Database

 Chinese Text Encoding Conversion and Corruptions

 Archived Tutorials


 Full Version in PDF/EPUB