JVM Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples
Dr. Herong Yang, Version 4.10

GC Test - Client vs. Server

This section provides a tutorial example on testing garbage collection by comparing performances between HotSpot Server VM and HotSpot Client VM.

I also made some tests to compare between the client version and the server version of JDK 1.4.0.

java -server -Xms2m -Xmx8m GCTest 16 24 > tail_16_24.out

But the program ran out of memory the same way as the client version:

Time   Total   Free   Free   Total   Act.   Dead   Over
sec.    Mem.   Mem.   Per.    Obj.   Obj.   Obj.   Head

   0    1984   1726    86%       0      0      0    258
   0    1984   1593    80%     128    128      0    263
   1    1984   1463    73%     256    256      0    265
  19    5260    357     6%    4736   4736      0    167
  19    5260    227     4%    4864   4864      0    169
  20    8128   2997    36%    4992   4992      0    139
  20    8128   2867    35%    5120   5120      0    141
  21    8128   2866    35%    5120   4992    128    142
  21    8128   2864    35%    5120   4864    256    144
  41    8128    482     5%    7424   4352   3072    222
  42    8128    352     4%    7552   4480   3072    224
  42    8128    223     2%    7680   4608   3072    225
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

Last update: 2003.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Download and Install Java SE 1.6 Update 2

 java.lang.Runtime Class - The JVM Instance

 java.lang.System Class - The Operating System

 ClassLoader Class - Class Loaders

 Class Class - Class Reflections

 Sun's JVM - Java HotSpot VM

 JRockit JVM 7.0 by BEA Systems

 JRockit JVM 8.0 by BEA Systems

 Memory Management Rules and Tests

Garbage Collection Tests

 GCTest.java - Garbage Collection Test Program

 GC Test - Constant Memory Requirement

 GC Test - Periodical Memory Requirement

 GC Test - Releasing Old vs. New Objects

 GC Test - JDK 1.4.0 vs. JDK 1.3.1

GC Test - Client vs. Server

 GC Test - JDK 1.6.0 vs. JDK 1.4.0

 Stack Overflow Tests

 Thread Testing Program and Result

 StringBuffer Testing Program and Result

 CDS (Class Data Sharing)

 Micro Benchmark Runner and JVM Options

 Micro Benchmark Tests on "int" Operations

 Micro Benchmark Tests on "long" Operations

 Micro Benchmark Tests in JIT Compilation Mode

 Micro Benchmark Tests on "float" and "double" Operations


 PDF Printing Version

Dr. Herong Yang, updated in 2010
GC Test - Client vs. Server