Using Flash to Provide Multimedia

This section provides a flash video example from It shows how Flash can be used to provide multimedia information to Web pages.

Flash technology is also widely used to provide multimedia information to Web pages like on-line audio and video players. Here is an example of a Web page using Flash technology to play video online at

Flash Video Player
Flash Video Player

By looking at the page source code, you can see how Adobe Flash Player is invoked as a <object> tag to run the video file, watch_as3-vflPSj_0h.swf:

      <div id="watch-player" class="flash-player">
    (function() {
      var isIE = /*@cc_on!@*/false;
var swfHTML = (isIE) ? "<object height=\"38" + "5\" width=\"64" + "0\"
   id=\"movie_player\" >
   <param name=\"movie\"
   <param name=\"flashvars\"
    allowscriptaccess=\"always\" allowfullscreen=\"true\"
    bgcolor=\"#000000\" \/>
   <div  class=\"yt-alert yt-alert-error yt-alert-player yt-rounded\">
   <img src=\"http:\/\/\/yt\/img\/pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gif\" ...
   <div  class=\"yt-alert-content\">\n            
   You need Adobe Flash Player to watch this video. <br> 
   <a href=\"http:\/\/\/flashplayer\/\">
   Download it from Adobe.<\/a>\n

Notice that the <object> tag is generated from a script code.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

Introduction of Adobe Flash

 What Is Flash?

 Using Flash to Provide Interactivity

Using Flash to Provide Multimedia

 Flash Player Security Issues

 Adobe Flash Player Plugin for Firefox

 Adobe Flash Player Plugin for Chrome

 Adobe Flash Player Plugin for Safari

 Adobe Flash Player ActiveX for IE

 Using "object" Elements for Flash Files

 Using "embed" Elements for Flash Files

 "mp3player" - MP3 Music Player

 SWFObject - Hidding "object" behind JavaScript

 Flash Player Projector

 SWFTools - SWF File Manipulation Tools

 SWFC Script to Generate Flash SWF Files

 ActionScript Embedded in SWFC Script

 AS3Compile - ActionScript 3 Compiler

 Adobe Flex SDK 4

 SWF File Structure and Tags

 SWF File Processing Rules

 SWF Files for Video and Audio Streams

 Outdated Tutorials


 Full Version in PDF/EPUB