"obchiral" - Print Chirality Information

This section provides a quick introduction on the 'obchiral' command provided in Open Babel package to print chirality information.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 SMILES (Simplified Molecular-Input Line-Entry System)

 Open Babel: The Open Source Chemistry Toolbox

 Using Open Babel Command: "obabel"

 Generating SVG Pictures with Open Babel

 Substructure Search with Open Babel

 Similarity Search with Open Babel

 Fingerprint Index for Fastsearch with Open Babel

 Stereochemistry with Open Babel

Command Line Tools Provided by Open Babel

 List of Open Babel Command Line Tools

"obchiral" - Print Chirality Information

 "obconformer" - Generate Best Conformer

 "obenergy" - Calculate Molecule Energy

 "obfit" - Superimpose Two Molecules

 "obgen" - Generate Molecule 3D Structures

 "obgrep" - Search Molecules using SMARTS

 "obminimize" - Optimize Geometry/Energy of Molecule

 "obprobe" - Create Electrostatic Probe Grid

 "obrotamer" - Generate Random Rotational Isomers

 "obrotate" - Rotate Dihedral Angles with SMARTS

 RDKit: Open-Source Cheminformatics Software

 rdkit.Chem.rdchem - The Core Module

 rdkit.Chem.rdmolfiles - Molecular File Module

 rdkit.Chem.rdDepictor - Compute 2D Coordinates

 rdkit.Chem.Draw - Handle Molecule Images

 Molecule Substructure Search with RDKit

 rdkit.Chem.rdmolops - Molecule Operations

 Daylight Fingerprint Generator in RDKit

 Morgan Fingerprint Generator in RDKit

 RDKit Performance on Substructure Search

 Introduction to Molecular Fingerprints

 OCSR (Optical Chemical Structure Recognition)

 AlphaFold - Protein Structure Prediction

 Resources and Tools

 Cheminformatics Related Terminologies


 Full Version in PDF/EPUB

What Is "obchiral" command? - "obchiral" command is a command line tool provided in the Open Babel package that allows you to calculate and print molecule chirality information.

"obchiral" command was removed since Open Babel 3.1.0.

Here is the user manual of the "obchiral" command provided in Open Babel 2.4.1.

     obchiral -- print molecular chirality information

     obchiral filename

     The obchiral program is a tool to print the chirality information for 
     all molecules in a file. It also serves as example code for using the 
     Open Babel library (libopenbabel).

           obchiral pyridines.sdf

Here is an example of calculating molecule chirality using the "obchiral" command.

herong$ obabel "-:c1cc(ccc1CC(C(=O)O)N)O" -O tyrosine.sdf --gen2D 
1 molecule converted

herong$ obchiral tyrosine.sdf 
Molecule 1: 
Atom 8 Is Chiral C3

You can validate the above calculation result by looking at the tyrosine molecule structure below:

Open Babel SVG Picture - Tyrosine Molecule with Indeces
Open Babel SVG Picture - Tyrosine Molecule with Indeces

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 SMILES (Simplified Molecular-Input Line-Entry System)

 Open Babel: The Open Source Chemistry Toolbox

 Using Open Babel Command: "obabel"

 Generating SVG Pictures with Open Babel

 Substructure Search with Open Babel

 Similarity Search with Open Babel

 Fingerprint Index for Fastsearch with Open Babel

 Stereochemistry with Open Babel

Command Line Tools Provided by Open Babel

 List of Open Babel Command Line Tools

"obchiral" - Print Chirality Information

 "obconformer" - Generate Best Conformer

 "obenergy" - Calculate Molecule Energy

 "obfit" - Superimpose Two Molecules

 "obgen" - Generate Molecule 3D Structures

 "obgrep" - Search Molecules using SMARTS

 "obminimize" - Optimize Geometry/Energy of Molecule

 "obprobe" - Create Electrostatic Probe Grid

 "obrotamer" - Generate Random Rotational Isomers

 "obrotate" - Rotate Dihedral Angles with SMARTS

 RDKit: Open-Source Cheminformatics Software

 rdkit.Chem.rdchem - The Core Module

 rdkit.Chem.rdmolfiles - Molecular File Module

 rdkit.Chem.rdDepictor - Compute 2D Coordinates

 rdkit.Chem.Draw - Handle Molecule Images

 Molecule Substructure Search with RDKit

 rdkit.Chem.rdmolops - Molecule Operations

 Daylight Fingerprint Generator in RDKit

 Morgan Fingerprint Generator in RDKit

 RDKit Performance on Substructure Search

 Introduction to Molecular Fingerprints

 OCSR (Optical Chemical Structure Recognition)

 AlphaFold - Protein Structure Prediction

 Resources and Tools

 Cheminformatics Related Terminologies


 Full Version in PDF/EPUB