The output confirms some of string concatenation operation rules:
("649 = " & 649) was executed as a string concatenation operation.
The second operand 649 was converted from an Integer value to a String value "649" before the operation.
("True = " & True) was executed as a string concatenation operation.
The second operand True was converted from a Boolean value to a String value "True" before the operation.
("#31-Dec-1999# = " & #31-Dec-1999#) was executed as a string concatenation operation.
The second operand #31-Dec-1999# was converted from a Date value to a String value "31-Dec-1999" before the operation.
("Empty = " & Empty) was executed as a string concatenation operation.
The second operand Empty was converted from an Empty value to a String value "" before the operation.
("Null = " & Null) was executed as a string concatenation operation.
The second operand Null was converted from a Null value to a String value "" before the operation.
("Hello " + "world!") was executed as a string concatenation operation.
The add operator (+) works as a string concatenation operator if both operands are String values.
("649 " + 649) was executed as an arithmetic addition operation.
If one operand is a numeric value, the add operator (+) works as an arithmetic addition operator.
("Game " + 649) was an invalid operation.
The first operand "Game " could not be converted into a numeric value.