∟"MatchCollection" and "SubMatches" Collection Objects
This section describes two collection objects, MatchCollection and SubMatches. All collection objects share the Count property and the Item(i) method.
We are mentioned that MatchCollection and SubMatches objects are collection objects.
All collection objects share same properties and methods:
oCollection.Count - An integer property representing the number of items in this collection.
oCollection.Item(i) - A method returning the item at position i in this collection.
The "Item(i)" method is defined as the default method of a collection object.
So you can call this method without the method name. For example, oCollection(0) is equivalent
to oCollection.Item(0), referring to the first item in this collection.
An collection object can also be used like an array in a "For Each" statement:
For Each e In oCollection
... = ... e ... ' e Represents the current item
End For
If you apply the above properties and methods to a MatchCollection object, oMatches,
returned from the oRegExp.Execute(string) method, you should understand the following interesting examples:
oMatches.Count - Number of Match objects.
oMatches.Item(0) - The first Match object.
oMatches(0) - The first Match object.
oMatches(1).SubMatches - The SubMatches collection object of the second Match object.
oMatches(1).SubMatches.Count - The number of sub matche strings of the second Match object.
oMatches(1).SubMatches.Item(1) - The second sub match string of the second Match object.
oMatches(1).SubMatches(1) - The second sub match string of the second Match object.