Popular Books:
💬 2022-06-05 Judith Harl: Love Chinese New Year Calendars so interesting and educational
💬 2022-03-13 Herong: Jari, I don’t see any reason for the +1 in the calculation.
💬 2023-12-13 Daniel Xu: thank you for sharing
💬 2023-12-13 Daniel Xu: thank you for your service
Downloading and Installing Notepad++ with XML Tools
This section provides a tutorial example on how to download and install Notepad++ on Windows system; and how to add the XML Tools Plugin in Notepad++. 2023-08-24, ≈270🔥, 72💬
💬 2022-03-14 herbiee: Thanks so much! Now Ican rite my XML-files.
💬 2021-06-02 minthanhtike: Thanks so much, it help me .
Comments on Herong's Tutorial Books
Please share your general comments on my tutorial books here. Comments should not contain hyperlinks to any external Web sites. 2024-12-31, ≈113🔥, 244💬
Deprecated: Get Free Ether from faucet.metamask.io
This section describes how to get some free Ether form faucet.metamask.io. 2024-04-24, ≈89🔥, 585💬
💬 2024-04-07 Usman Ali: Please help
💬 2024-03-12 sum: 0x6C65998EFc3B07be2dDFAbf1c54d35DCA3 aeFF56
💬 2024-03-12 sum: 0x6C65998EFc3B07be2dDFAbf1c54d35DCA3 aeFF56
💬 2024-03-02 Antonia: Hello, I do not see Ropsten in my Metamask. What to do?
Compilation and Execution Process of C Programs
This section describes steps of the compilation and execution process of C programs: preprocessing, compilation, assembly, linking and loading. 2023-11-14, ≈86🔥, 30💬
💬 2023-04-16 Tasaduk: Great it was easy for me to understand on your site thanks once again
💬 2021-07-28 jungkook jeon: very helpful. thank u so much for your explanation
"services.msc" - Program Services Console
This section provides a quick description of the Services Console and a tutorial example on how to list all program services. 2022-05-09, ≈82🔥, 24💬
💬 2022-05-09 Fikirte Amosa: Disable IIS admin service.
💬 2022-08-16 Ken: Cool tutorial. Thank you!
💬 2019-10-05 Herong: Fatin, what are you getting from the output?
💬 2019-09-27 Fatin: Please help me, i cannot get it that way
💬 2017-05-27 Herong: Yes, asn1parse is a nice tool. I will add some examples later.
💬 2017-05-23 poshak: MIIC8DCCAIGgAwIBAgIJAM/+E5HIKoWGMAoG ...
Download and Install JDK 17 on Windows
This section describes how to download and install JDK 12 on a Windows system. 2023-02-27, ≈69🔥, 51💬
💬 2019-06-12 sothea: Java is good
💬 2019-05-13 Myo Nyein: don't know
💬 2023-04-16 Anas: I have purchased unicode tutorial pdf version my email anas.nxxxxxxxxcom
💬 2021-06-10 Herong: Kenneth, Document sent on June 9. Thanks again
Comment Testing Area
What is test testing area for? The testing area is provided to allow visitors to post testing comments. 2023-08-26, ≈63🔥, 65💬
💬 2025-01-06 jr: 4oCi4oCi4oCi4oCi4oCi4oCi4oCi
💬 2024-12-14 Waddah Ghassan Aldwiri: ÍøÒ³µç»°
💬 2021-09-09 Meaningful comment: Is this a meaningful comment?
💬 2017-10-24 Herong: sdre, what is the issue are you referring to?
💬 2020-01-21 Herong: Nietzsche, can you provide the logic for the hasMeaning() function?
💬 2019-10-09 Michael: Thank you! This helped me enable SSL on my PHP install
"keytool" Exporting Certificates in DER and PEM
This section provides a tutorial example on how to export certificates in DER and PEM format using the 'keytool -exportcert' command. 2019-02-20, ≈53🔥, 5💬
💬 2018-09-25 Srinivas: After generating certificate, there are some special characters appended.
Installing OpenSSL on Windows
This section provides a tutorial example on how to install OpenSSL on a Windows system. 2017-10-29, ≈51🔥, 18💬
💬 2017-10-29 Max: Te possino! How I obtain the .o, .h files to use like include in my .c mail file?
💬 2017-02-03 Jim: Now run along...
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