Herong's Notes on Chinese Calendar
Dr. Herong Yang, Version 3.04

The Chinese Calendar Algorithm and Program

This chapter provides you:

  • A Java program that calculates Gregorian calendar and Chinese calendar fields for any given Gregorian date.

The Gregorian Calendar Algorithm

The Gregorian calendar is not so difficult to calculate. Here is a simple algorithm to determine the day of the week for a given Gregorian date, month and year:

  • 1. Determine if the given year is a leap year based on the leap year rules.
  • 2. Determine the day of the year based on the given date, and month.
  • 3. Determine the day of the week with the code:
   public static int dayOfWeek(int y, int m, int d) {
      int w = 1; // 01-Jan-0001 is Monday, so base is Sunday
      y = (y-1)%400 + 1; // Gregorian calendar cycle is 400 years
      int ly = (y-1)/4; // Leap years passed
      ly = ly - (y-1)/100; // Adjustment
      ly = ly + (y-1)/400; // Adjustment
      int ry = y - 1 - ly; // Regular years passed
      w = w + ry; // Regular year has one extra week day
      w = w + 2*ly; // Leap year has two extra week days
      w = w + dayOfYear(y,m,d); 
      w = (w-1)%7 + 1;
      return w;

The Chinese Calendar Algorithm

The Chinese calendar is very difficult to calculate. The best algorithm I found on the Internet is the one posted on eleworld.com. This algorithm is based on astronomical data for 200 years from Gregorian year 1901 to year 2100.

The astronomical data has two parts: one part is for new moon determination, and the other part is for solar term determination.

The Chinese Calendar Program

I have implemented the Chinese calendar algorithm in a Java program, called ChineseCalendar.java:

 * ChineseCalendar.java
 * Copyright (c) 1997-2002 by Dr. Herong Yang
 * Valid for 200 years: from Gregorian year 1901 to 2100
 * Not sychronized.
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;
class ChineseCalendar {
   private int gregorianYear;
   private int gregorianMonth;
   private int gregorianDate;
   private boolean isGregorianLeap;
   private int dayOfYear;
   private int dayOfWeek; // Sunday is the first day
   private int chineseYear;
   private int chineseMonth; // -n is a leap month
   private int chineseDate;
   private int sectionalTerm;
   private int principleTerm;
   private static char[] daysInGregorianMonth = 
   private static String[] monthNames =
   private static String[] stemNames =
   private static String[] branchNames =
   public static void main(String[] arg) {
      ChineseCalendar c = new ChineseCalendar();
      String cmd = "day";
      int y = 1901;
      int m = 1;
      int d = 1;
      if (arg.length>0) cmd = arg[0];
      if (arg.length>1) y = Integer.parseInt(arg[1]);
      if (arg.length>2) m = Integer.parseInt(arg[2]);
      if (arg.length>3) d = Integer.parseInt(arg[3]);
      if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("year")) {
         String[] t = c.getYearTable();
         for (int i=0; i<t.length; i++) System.out.println(t[i]);
      } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("month")) {
         String[] t = c.getMonthTable();
         for (int i=0; i<t.length; i++) System.out.println(t[i]);
      } else {
   public ChineseCalendar() {
   public void setGregorian(int y, int m, int d) {
      gregorianYear = y;
      gregorianMonth = m;
      gregorianDate = d;
      isGregorianLeap = isGregorianLeapYear(y);
      dayOfYear = dayOfYear(y,m,d);
      dayOfWeek = dayOfWeek(y,m,d);
      chineseYear = 0;
      chineseMonth = 0;
      chineseDate = 0;
      sectionalTerm = 0;
      principleTerm = 0;
   public static boolean isGregorianLeapYear(int year) {
      boolean isLeap = false;
      if (year%4==0) isLeap = true;
      if (year%100==0) isLeap = false;
      if (year%400==0) isLeap = true;
      return isLeap;
   public static int daysInGregorianMonth(int y, int m) {
      int d = daysInGregorianMonth[m-1];
      if (m==2 && isGregorianLeapYear(y)) d++; // Leap year adjustment
      return d;      
   public static int dayOfYear(int y, int m, int d) {
      int c = 0;
      for (int i=1; i<m; i++) { // Number of months passed
         c = c + daysInGregorianMonth(y,i);
      c = c + d;
      return c;      
   public static int dayOfWeek(int y, int m, int d) {
      int w = 1; // 01-Jan-0001 is Monday, so base is Sunday
      y = (y-1)%400 + 1; // Gregorian calendar cycle is 400 years
      int ly = (y-1)/4; // Leap years passed
      ly = ly - (y-1)/100; // Adjustment
      ly = ly + (y-1)/400; // Adjustment
      int ry = y - 1 - ly; // Regular years passed
      w = w + ry; // Regular year has one extra week day
      w = w + 2*ly; // Leap year has two extra week days
      w = w + dayOfYear(y,m,d); 
      w = (w-1)%7 + 1;
      return w;
   private static char[] chineseMonths = { 
   //Chinese month map, 2 bytes per year, from 1900 to 2100, 402 bytes.
   //The first 4 bits represents the leap month of the year.
   //The rest 12 bits are flags indicate if the corresponding month
   //is a 29-day month. 2 bytes are stored in low-high order.
   // Base date: 01-Jan-1901, 4598/11/11 in Chinese calendar
   private static int baseYear = 1901;
   private static int baseMonth = 1;
   private static int baseDate = 1;
   private static int baseIndex = 0;
   private static int baseChineseYear = 4598-1;
   private static int baseChineseMonth = 11;
   private static int baseChineseDate = 11;
   public int computeChineseFields() {
      // Gregorian year out of the computation range
      if (gregorianYear<1901 || gregorianYear>2100) return 1;
      int startYear = baseYear;
      int startMonth = baseMonth;
      int startDate = baseDate;      
      chineseYear = baseChineseYear; 
      chineseMonth = baseChineseMonth;
      chineseDate = baseChineseDate;
      // Switching to the second base to reduce the calculation process
      // Second base date: 01-Jan-2000, 4697/11/25 in Chinese calendar
      if (gregorianYear >= 2000) {
         startYear = baseYear + 99;
         startMonth = 1;
         startDate = 1;
         chineseYear = baseChineseYear + 99;
         chineseMonth = 11;
         chineseDate = 25;
      // Calculating the number of days 
      //    between the start date and the current date
      // The following algorithm only works 
      //    for startMonth = 1 and startDate = 1
      int daysDiff = 0;
      for (int i=startYear; i<gregorianYear; i++) {
         daysDiff += 365;
         if (isGregorianLeapYear(i)) daysDiff += 1; // leap year
      for (int i=startMonth; i<gregorianMonth; i++) {
         daysDiff += daysInGregorianMonth(gregorianYear,i);
      daysDiff += gregorianDate - startDate;
      // Adding that number of days to the Chinese date
      // Then bring Chinese date into the correct range.
      //    one Chinese month at a time
      chineseDate += daysDiff;
      int lastDate = daysInChineseMonth(chineseYear, chineseMonth);
      int nextMonth = nextChineseMonth(chineseYear, chineseMonth);
      while (chineseDate>lastDate) {
         if (Math.abs(nextMonth)<Math.abs(chineseMonth)) chineseYear++;
         chineseMonth = nextMonth;
         chineseDate -= lastDate;
         lastDate = daysInChineseMonth(chineseYear, chineseMonth);
         nextMonth = nextChineseMonth(chineseYear, chineseMonth);
      return 0;
   private static int[] bigLeapMonthYears = {
      // The leap months in the following years have 30 days
        6, 14, 19, 25, 33, 36, 38, 41, 44, 52, 
       55, 79,117,136,147,150,155,158,185,193
   public static int daysInChineseMonth(int y, int m) {
      // Regular month: m > 0
      // Leap month: m < 0
      int index = y - baseChineseYear + baseIndex;
      int v = 0;
      int l = 0;
      int d = 30; // normal month
      if (1<=m && m<=8) {
         v = chineseMonths[2*index];
         l = m - 1;
         if ( ((v>>l)&0x01)==1 ) d = 29;
      } else if (9<=m && m<=12) {
         v = chineseMonths[2*index+1];
         l = m - 9;
         if ( ((v>>l)&0x01)==1 ) d = 29;
      } else { // leap month
         v = chineseMonths[2*index+1];
         v = (v>>4)&0x0F;
         if (v!=Math.abs(m)) {
            d = 0; // wrong m specified
         } else {
            d = 29; 
            for (int i=0; i<bigLeapMonthYears.length; i++) {
               if (bigLeapMonthYears[i]==index) {
                  d = 30;
      return d;
   public static int nextChineseMonth(int y, int m) {
      int n = Math.abs(m) + 1; // normal behavior
      if (m>0) {
         // need to find out if we are in a leap year or not
         int index = y - baseChineseYear + baseIndex;
         int v = chineseMonths[2*index+1];
         v = (v>>4)&0x0F;
         if (v==m) n = -m; // next month is a leap month
      if (n==13) n = 1; //roll into next year
      return n;
   private static char[][] sectionalTermMap = {
   {7,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,5,6,6,6,5,5,6,6,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,4,5,5},   // Jan
   {5,4,5,5,5,4,4,5,5,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,3,4,4,4,3,3,4,4,3,3,3},   // Feb
   {6,6,6,7,6,6,6,6,5,6,6,6,5,5,6,6,5,5,5,6,5,5,5,5,4,5,5,5,5}, // Mar
   {5,5,6,6,5,5,5,6,5,5,5,5,4,5,5,5,4,4,5,5,4,4,4,5,4,4,4,4,5}, // Apr
   {6,6,6,7,6,6,6,6,5,6,6,6,5,5,6,6,5,5,5,6,5,5,5,5,4,5,5,5,5}, // May
   {7,8,8,8,7,7,8,8,7,7,7,8,7,7,7,7,6,7,7,7,6,6,7,7,6,6,6,7,7}, // Jul
   {8,8,8,9,8,8,8,8,7,8,8,8,7,7,8,8,7,7,7,8,7,7,7,7,6,7,7,7,7}, // Sep
   {9,9,9,9,8,9,9,9,8,8,9,9,8,8,8,9,8,8,8,8,7,8,8,8,7,7,8,8,8}, // Oct
   {8,8,8,8,7,8,8,8,7,7,8,8,7,7,7,8,7,7,7,7,6,7,7,7,6,6,7,7,7}, // Nov
   {7,8,8,8,7,7,8,8,7,7,7,8,7,7,7,7,6,7,7,7,6,6,7,7,6,6,6,7,7}  // Dec
   private static char[][] sectionalTermYear = {
   {13,49,85,117,149,185,201,250,250}, // Jan
   {13,45,81,117,149,185,201,250,250}, // Feb
   {13,48,84,112,148,184,200,201,250}, // Mar
   {13,45,76,108,140,172,200,201,250}, // Apr
   {13,44,72,104,132,168,200,201,250}, // May
   {5 ,33,68,96 ,124,152,188,200,201}, // Jun
   {29,57,85,120,148,176,200,201,250}, // Jul
   {13,48,76,104,132,168,196,200,201}, // Aug
   {25,60,88,120,148,184,200,201,250}, // Sep
   {16,44,76,108,144,172,200,201,250}, // Oct
   {28,60,92,124,160,192,200,201,250}, // Nov
   {17,53,85,124,156,188,200,201,250}  // Dec
   private static char[][] principleTermMap = {
   private static char[][] principleTermYear = {
   {13,45,81,113,149,185,201},     // Jan
   {21,57,93,125,161,193,201},     // Feb
   {21,56,88,120,152,188,200,201}, // Mar
   {21,49,81,116,144,176,200,201}, // Apr
   {17,49,77,112,140,168,200,201}, // May
   {28,60,88,116,148,180,200,201}, // Jun
   {25,53,84,112,144,172,200,201}, // Jul
   {29,57,89,120,148,180,200,201}, // Aug
   {17,45,73,108,140,168,200,201}, // Sep
   {28,60,92,124,160,192,200,201}, // Oct
   {16,44,80,112,148,180,200,201}, // Nov
   {17,53,88,120,156,188,200,201}  // Dec
   public int computeSolarTerms() {
      // Gregorian year out of the computation range
      if (gregorianYear<1901 || gregorianYear>2100) return 1;
      sectionalTerm = sectionalTerm(gregorianYear, gregorianMonth);
      principleTerm = principleTerm(gregorianYear, gregorianMonth);
      return 0;
   public static int sectionalTerm(int y, int m) {
      if (y<1901 || y>2100) return 0;
      int index = 0;
      int ry = y-baseYear+1;
      while (ry>=sectionalTermYear[m-1][index]) index++;
      int term = sectionalTermMap[m-1][4*index+ry%4];
      if ((ry == 121)&&(m == 4)) term = 5;
      if ((ry == 132)&&(m == 4)) term = 5;
      if ((ry == 194)&&(m == 6)) term = 6;
      return term;
   public static int principleTerm(int y, int m) {
      if (y<1901 || y>2100) return 0;
      int index = 0;
      int ry = y-baseYear+1;
      while (ry>=principleTermYear[m-1][index]) index++;
      int term = principleTermMap[m-1][4*index+ry%4];
      if ((ry == 171)&&(m == 3)) term = 21;
      if ((ry == 181)&&(m == 5)) term = 21;
      return term;
   public String toString() {
      StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
      buf.append("Gregorian Year: "+gregorianYear+"\n");
      buf.append("Gregorian Month: "+gregorianMonth+"\n");
      buf.append("Gregorian Date: "+gregorianDate+"\n");
      buf.append("Is Leap Year: "+isGregorianLeap+"\n");
      buf.append("Day of Year: "+dayOfYear+"\n");
      buf.append("Day of Week: "+dayOfWeek+"\n");
      buf.append("Chinese Year: "+chineseYear+"\n");
      buf.append("Heavenly Stem: "+((chineseYear-1)%10)+"\n");
      buf.append("Earthly Branch: "+((chineseYear-1)%12)+"\n");
      buf.append("Chinese Month: "+chineseMonth+"\n");
      buf.append("Chinese Date: "+chineseDate+"\n");
      buf.append("Sectional Term: "+sectionalTerm+"\n");
      buf.append("Principle Term: "+principleTerm+"\n");
      return buf.toString();
   public String[] getYearTable() {
      String[] table = new String[59]; // 6*9 + 5
      table[0] = getTextLine(27,                          
         "Gregorian Calendar Year: "+gregorianYear);
      table[1] = getTextLine(27,
         "Chinese Calendar Year: "+(chineseYear+1) 
         + " ("+stemNames[(chineseYear+1-1)%10]
         + "-"+branchNames[(chineseYear+1-1)%12]+")");
      int ln = 2;
      String[] mLeft = null;
      String[] mRight = null;
      for (int i=1; i<=6; i++) {
         table[ln] = getTextLine(0,null);
         mLeft = getMonthTable();
         mRight = getMonthTable();
         for (int j=0; j<mLeft.length; j++) {
            String line = mLeft[j] + "  " + mRight[j];
            table[ln] = line;
      table[ln] = getTextLine(0,null);
      table[ln] = getTextLine(0,"##/## - Gregorian date/Chinese date,"
         + " (*)CM## - (Leap) Chinese month first day");
      table[ln] = getTextLine(0,
         "ST## - Sectional term, PT## - Principle term");
      return table;
   public static String getTextLine(int s, String t) {
      String str  = "                                         "
              +"  " + "                                         ";
      if (t!=null && s<str.length() && s+t.length()<str.length())
         str = str.substring(0,s) + t + str.substring(s+t.length());
      return str;
   public String[] getMonthTable() {
      String[] table = new String[8]; 
      String title  = "                    "
                    + monthNames[gregorianMonth-1]
                    + "                   ";
      String header = "  Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat ";
      String blank  = "                                          ";
      table[0] = title;
      table[1] = header;
      int wk = 2;
      String line = "";
      for (int i=1; i<dayOfWeek; i++) {
         line += "     " + ' ';
      int days = daysInGregorianMonth(gregorianYear,gregorianMonth);
      for (int i=gregorianDate; i<=days; i++) {
         line += getDateString() + ' ';
         if (dayOfWeek==1) {
            table[wk] = line;
            line = "";
      for (int i=dayOfWeek; i<=7; i++) {
         line += "     " + ' ';
      table[wk] = line;
      for (int i=wk+1; i<table.length; i++) {
         table[i] = blank;
      for (int i=0; i<table.length; i++) {
         table[i] = table[i].substring(0,table[i].length()-1);
      return table;
   public String getDateString() {
      String str = "*  /  ";
      String gm = String.valueOf(gregorianMonth);
      if (gm.length()==1) gm = ' ' + gm;
      String cm = String.valueOf(Math.abs(chineseMonth));
      if (cm.length()==1) cm = ' ' + cm;
      String gd = String.valueOf(gregorianDate);
      if (gd.length()==1) gd = ' ' + gd;
      String cd = String.valueOf(chineseDate);
      if (cd.length()==1) cd = ' ' + cd;
      if (gregorianDate==sectionalTerm) {
         str = " ST"+gm;
      } else if (gregorianDate==principleTerm) {
         str = " PT"+gm;
      } else if (chineseDate==1 && chineseMonth>0) {
      	 str = " CM"+cm;
      } else if (chineseDate==1 && chineseMonth<0) {
      	 str = "*CM"+cm;
      } else {
      	 str = gd+'/'+cd;
      return str;
   public int rollUpOneDay() {
      dayOfWeek = dayOfWeek%7 + 1;
      int days = daysInGregorianMonth(gregorianYear,gregorianMonth); 
      if (gregorianDate>days) {
         gregorianDate = 1;
         if (gregorianMonth>12) {
            gregorianMonth = 1;
            dayOfYear = 1;
            isGregorianLeap = isGregorianLeapYear(gregorianYear);
         sectionalTerm = sectionalTerm(gregorianYear,gregorianMonth);
         principleTerm = principleTerm(gregorianYear,gregorianMonth);
      days = daysInChineseMonth(chineseYear,chineseMonth);
      if (chineseDate>days) {
         chineseDate = 1;
         chineseMonth = nextChineseMonth(chineseYear,chineseMonth);
         if (chineseMonth==1) chineseYear++;
      return 0;

Formatted Chinese Calendars for 200 Years

My program can also produce well formatted Chinese calendars for 200 years. I have included all of them in this book.

The formatted calendars are presented with:

  • The Chinese calendar date is presented next to the Gregorian calendar date.
  • Solar terms are marked as PT## (Principle Term) or ST## (Sectional Term).
  • Chinese new moon days are marked as CM## (Chinese Month).

For example, the January of year 2000 is presented as:

  Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat
 2/26  3/27  4/28  5/29  ST 1  CM12  8/ 2
 9/ 3 10/ 4 11/ 5 12/ 6 13/ 7 14/ 8 15/ 9
16/10 17/11 18/12 19/13 20/14  PT 1 22/16
23/17 24/18 25/19 26/20 27/21 28/22 29/23
30/24 31/25                              


  • "1/25" - Indicates Gregorian calendar date 1 and Chinese calendar date 25.
  • "ST 1" - Indicates Sectional Term 1.
  • "CM12" - Indicates the first day of Chinese Month 12.
  • "PT 1" - Indicates Principle Term 1.
Dr. Herong Yang, updated in 1999
Herong's Notes on Chinese Calendar - The Chinese Calendar Algorithm and Program