Cryptography Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Notes
Dr. Herong Yang, Version 4.00

DES Algorithm - Stream Cipher Modes and JCE SUN Implementation

Part:   1  2  3  4 

(Continued from previous part...)

Test Cases of DES Stream Cipher Modes

I used my testing program,, to test the cases listed in the

java JceSunDesStreamCipherTest 1 -- with 8-bit CFB
Key     : 0123456789ABCDEF
IV      : 1234567890ABCDEF
Message : 4E6F7720697320746865
Cipher  : F31FDA07011462EE187F
Expected: F31FDA07011462EE187F

java JceSunDesStreamCipherTest 2 -- with 64-bit CFB
Key     : 0123456789ABCDEF
IV      : 1234567890ABCDEF
Message : 4E6F77206973207468652074696D6520666F7220616C6C20
Cipher  : F3096249C7F46E51A69E839B1A92F78403467133898EA622
Expected: F3096249C7F46E51A69E839B1A92F78403467133898EA622

java JceSunDesStreamCipherTest 3 -- with 8-bit OFB
Key     : 0123456789ABCDEF
IV      : 1234567890ABCDEF
Message : 4E6F7720697320746865
Cipher  : F34A2850C9C64985D684
Expected: F34A2850C9C64985D684

java JceSunDesStreamCipherTest 4 -- with 64-bit CFB
Key     : 0123456789ABCDEF
IV      : 1234567890ABCDEF
Message : 4E6F77206973207468652074696D6520666F7220616C6C20
Cipher  : F3096249C7F46E5135F24A242EEB3D3F3D6D5BE3255AF8C3
Expected: F3096249C7F46E5135F24A242EEB3D3F3D6D5BE3255AF8C3

Outputs of all 4 test cases match well with the expected values documented in


  • DES stream cipher modes are ways to operate DES encryption algorithm in block sizes less than 64 bits.
  • Sun JCE implementation of DES stream cipher modes work as expected.

Part:   1  2  3  4 

Dr. Herong Yang, updated in 2007
Cryptography Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Notes - DES Algorithm - Stream Cipher Modes and JCE SUN Implementation