250 - Jiu Kuang (酒狂) - The Drunkard

Jiu Kuang (酒狂) - The Drunkard, lyre music (古琴曲), composed by Ruan Ji (阮籍) in Three Kingdoms Period 220 - 280.

Three Kingdoms Period - Jiu Kuang (酒狂) - The Drunkard
Three Kingdoms Period - Jiu Kuang (酒狂) - The Drunkard
Year: 220 - 280, Three Kingdoms Period (三国时代)
Title: Jiu Kuang (酒狂) - The Drunkard
Composer: Ruan Ji (阮籍)
Genre: Lyre music (古琴曲)

The Drunkard is a zither composition by Ruan Ji, a famous writer and musician during the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280). It is said that Ruan Ji was a righthearted man and looked down upon snoblings. Sima Zhao, the then ruler, asked someone to propose to Ruan Ji's son. Run Ji kept drinking for 60 days and got drunk to slide over the person. The Drunkard was created in such a situation.

《酒狂》的作者阮籍是中国三国时代(公元220──公元280)著名的文学家和音乐家 。传说阮籍为人正直,号称“青白眼”,对势利之人,投以白眼;对志同道合的人 ,报以青眼。据说统治者司马昭派人向阮籍的儿子求婚,阮籍曾一连六十天喝得酩 酊大醉,避而不见。《酒狂》这首乐曲就是在这种情况下创作出来的。

《酒狂》这首乐曲采用了八分之三拍这个特定的节拍,音乐形象非常鲜明,比较准 确的表现了一种醉意恍惚的神态和蹒跚行进,步履踉跄的醉酒者的形象。最后的标 题是:“仙人吐酒气”使人感到虽然满腹的酒气徐徐吐出,但是除此之外依旧如此 ,反映了这位嗜酒者苦闷的内心世界和佯醉的心态。

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Table of Contents

 About This Book

 2000 - 2099: Best 21st Century Music

 1950 - 1999: Best Music in the Second Half of the 20th Century

 1900 - 1949: Best Music in the First Half of the 20th Century

Before 1900: Best Ancient Music

 1899 - Han Ya Xi Shui (寒鸦戏水) - Crows Playing Water

 1899 - Han Gong Qiu Yue (汉宫秋月) - Autumn Moon Over the Han Palace

 1799 - Zou Xi Kou (走西口) - Go West

 1763 - Mo Li Hua (茉莉花) - Jasmine Flower

 1750 - Xi Yang Xiao Gu (夕阳箫鼓) - Flutes and Drums at Sunset

 1560 - Yu Qiao Wen Da (渔樵问答) - Dialogue between the Fisherman and the Woodcutter

 1130 - Yue Er Wan Wan Zhao Jiu Zhou (月儿弯弯照九州) - Crescent Moon Shining Above

 750 - Yang Guan San Die (阳关三叠) - Adios at Yangguan

 750 - Ping Sha Luo Yan (平沙落雁) - Wild Geese on the Sandbank

 750 - Shi Mian Mai Fu (十面埋伏) - Ambush from Ten Sides

 750 - Jiang Jun Ling (将军令) - Song of the General

 375 - Mei Hua San Nong (梅花三弄) - Plum Blossom Melodies

250 - Jiu Kuang (酒狂) - The Drunkard

 219 - Guang Ling San (广陵散) - Guangling Melody

 207 - Hu Jia Shi Ba Pai (胡笳十八拍) - Eighteen Songs of a Nomad Flute

 220 BC - Gao Shan Liu Shui (高山流水) - High Mountain and Running River

 552 BC - Yang Chun Bai Xue (阳春白雪) - White Snow in Early Spring

