RenderX XEP Example -

This section provides a tutorial example on how to run XEP tool in a command line window to process an example XSL-FO document provided by RenderX.

Now let's run a test with XEP to process an example XSL-FO document using commands below in command window:

herong> copy \progra~1\RenderX\xep\examples\basic\ .
        1 file(s) copied.

herong> \progra~1\RenderX\xep\xep -fo -pdf borders.pdf
(document [system-id file:/C:/herong/]
  (validate [validation OK])
      (sequence-master [master-name all-pages]))
    (sequence [master-reference all-pages]
      (static-content [flow-name xsl-region-before])
      (static-content [flow-name xsl-region-after])
      (static-content [flow-name xsl-footnote-separator])
      (flow [flow-name xsl-region-body])))
    (sequence [master-reference all-pages]
      (flow [1][2])
      (static-content [1]|xsl-region-after||xsl-region-before|[2]
  (generate [output-format pdf][1][2]))

herong> dir borders.*
         22,299 borders.pdf

Nice. A 2-page PDF file is generated. If you open borders.pdf with Adobe Acrobat Reader, you will see some block areas with different types of borders on the first page:

RenderX XEP XSL-FO Example - Borders.png

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction of XSL-FO

 Apache™ FOP (Formatting Objects Processor)

RenderX XEP as an XSL-FO Tool

 What Is XEP?

 Downloading and Installing XEP

RenderX XEP Example -

 Introduction of Area Model

 XSL-FO Document Basics and Examples

 Page Layout Masters

 Block-Level Formatting Objects

 Inline-Level Formatting Objects

 Including Graphics in XSL-FO document

 Table of Rows and Columns

 List, Item, Label, and Body

 Floating Blocks - "float" and "footnote"

 Hyperlinks, Table of Contents and Indexes

 Headers and Footers using "static-content"

 Font Attributes and Font Families

 Apache FOP Font Configurations

 RenderX XEP Font Configurations

 Converting HTML to PDF


 Full Version in PDF/ePUB