Downloading and Installing XEP

This section provides a tutorial example on how to download and install RenderX XEP 4.24 Free Personal edition on a Windows system. XEP requires Java 1.8 to run.

If you are interested in RenderX XEP, you can try it with the Free Personal edition first. Here is what I did to download and install XEP 4.24 Free Personal edition on my Windows system:

1. Go to RenderX XEP Website at

2. Fill in and submit the Personal License Download form with my email address.

3. Wait for the email from RenderX and open it.

4. Click the download link in the email and save the downloaded file to a temporary folder like C:\temp\, or higher versions.

5. Unzip the download file to a temporary sub folder like C:\temp\xep. I see files like setup.bat and setup-4.24-2015-09-25-personal.jar there.

6. Make sure JDK is installed on my Windows system.

7. Go back to the RenderX email and save the attached license file to C:\temp\xep\license.xml.

8. Double-click on C:\temp\xep\setup.bat. I see XEP installation window showing up.

9. Follow instructions on the window to finish the installation. Remember to select license file from C:\temp\xep\license.xml.

10. Verify the installation by running the following in a command line window:

herong> \progra~1\RenderX\xep\xep -help

XEP 4.24.444
java com.renderx.xep.XSLDriver
       {-quiet | -version | -valid | -hosted | -help}
       ( [-xml] <infile> [-xsl <stylesheet>] {-param <name=value>}
         | -fo <infile>
         | -xep <infile> )
       [[-<output format>] <outfile>]
Available output formats: ppml (PPML), xps (XPS), at (XEP), pdf (PDF), 
   afp (AFP), html (HTML), svg (SVG), ps (Postscript), xep (XEP).

Cool. XEP 4.24 is installed correctly on my Windows system!

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction of XSL-FO

 Apache™ FOP (Formatting Objects Processor)

RenderX XEP as an XSL-FO Tool

 What Is XEP?

Downloading and Installing XEP

 RenderX XEP Example -

 Introduction of Area Model

 XSL-FO Document Basics and Examples

 Page Layout Masters

 Block-Level Formatting Objects

 Inline-Level Formatting Objects

 Including Graphics in XSL-FO document

 Table of Rows and Columns

 List, Item, Label, and Body

 Floating Blocks - "float" and "footnote"

 Hyperlinks, Table of Contents and Indexes

 Headers and Footers using "static-content"

 Font Attributes and Font Families

 Apache FOP Font Configurations

 RenderX XEP Font Configurations

 Converting HTML to PDF


 Full Version in PDF/ePUB