Displaying Chinese Characters in Frame Title

This section provides a tutorial example on how to display Chinese characters in the title bar of a frame window with a given Chinese font.

Problem: I want to display Chinese characters in the title of a frame window.

Solution 1: If you are using JDK 9 or higher on newer computers, you can include Chinese characters in your Java source code and save it in UTF-8 encoding, which is the default behavior of most programming editors. There is no need to specify the "SimSun" font name. The system will will pick up the default font to support Chinese characters. Chinese characters can still be provided in Unicode /uxxxx ASCII format. But UTF-8 encoding is a much better option.

/* JFrameChinese2.java
 * Copyright (c) 2014-2024 HerongYang.com All Rights Reserved.
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class JFrameChinese2 {
   public static void main(String[] a) {
      JFrame f = new JFrame();
//    f.setFont(new Font("SimSun",Font.PLAIN, 12));
//    f.setTitle("Hello world! - \u7535\u8111\u4F60\u597D\uFF01");
      f.setTitle("Hello world! - 电脑你好!");

Solution 2: If you are still using an older version of JDK on an older computer, you may have to install Chinese fonts yourself. In my sample code listed below, I am using font SimSun, which was installed as part of the Windows multi-language support. You may also have to enter Chinese characters in Java source code in /uxxxx ASCII format.

/* JFrameChinese.java
 * Copyright (c) 2014-2024 HerongYang.com All Rights Reserved.
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class JFrameChinese {
   public static void main(String[] a) {
      JFrame f = new JFrame();
      f.setFont(new Font("SimSun",Font.PLAIN, 12));
      f.setTitle("Hello world! - \u7535\u8111\u4F60\u597D\uFF01");

If you run both examples, you will get the same result:

Chinese Characters in Title Bar
Chinese Characters in Title Bar

Note 1: With JDK 1.4.1 or lower, the characters are displayed as "?". I don't any way to fix it. If you have any suggestions, please share them with me.

Note 2: To check if you have SimSun font installed or not on your Windows computer, you can look for %windir%\fonts\simsun.ttc file in your system directory tree.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 JDK (Java Development Kit)

 Introduction of Java Swing Package

 Graphics Environment of the Local System

JFrame - Main Frame Class

 Creating Frames with Sizes and Locations

 Closing Frame and Terminating Application

 Listing and Interrupting AWT Threads

 "AWT blocker activation interrupted" Error in JDK 1.6

 JFrame Thread Behavior with JDK 8 to 20

Displaying Chinese Characters in Frame Title

 Drawing Graphics - Using paint() on Frame

 Drawing Graphics - Using paint() on Component

 Drawing Graphics - Using paint() on Content Pane

 Drawing Chinese Characters on Frames

 JLabel - Swing Label Class

 JButton - Swing Button Class

 JCheckBox - Swing Check Box Class

 JRadioButton - Swing Radio Button Class

 JTextField - Swing Text Field Class

 JComboBox - Swing Combo Box Class

 Menu Bar, Menus, Menu Items and Listeners

 Creating Internal Frames inside the Main Frame

 Layout of Components in a Container

 LookAndFeel and UIManager

 Option Dialog Boxes

 JEditorPane - The Editor Pane Class

 SwingWorker - The Background Task Worker

 AWT (Abstract Windows Toolkit)

 Integration with Desktop System

 Archived Tutorials


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