How can I view the Chinese data in my database?

'Introduction to GB2312 Character Set' tutorial was cited in an Experts Exchange answer in 2007.

The Introduction to GB2312 Character Set tutorial was cited in an Experts Exchange answer in 2007.

Subject: How can I view the Chinese data in my database?
Date: Oct 12, 2007
Author: andrew again

>I am using Oracle 10g on CentOS 4.5.
>I can type Chinese words in sqlplus command line,but after I inserted
>the Chinese data,it shows me the "??" marks.
1.) Find the Unicode codepoints for your characters, as well as the
    2-byte storage value for GB2312-80 codepage
2.) Insert the characters using unistr() function.
3.) Confirm that the stored bytes are right using dump. (1010 for
    Decimal, 1016 for Hex).
4.) See if you can select the characters back successfully.

My U+20AC example may not be a good test case for you as it's a Euro
sign and your database characterset may not define it.

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 Encoding problem with MySQL

How can I view the Chinese data in my database?

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