Perl Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples - v6.02, by Herong Yang
XMLin() and XMLout() Methods
This section describes two key methods in the XML::Simple module, XMLin() and XMLout(), to convert XML text string into a hash structure representing the XML structure and to convert the hash back to a string.
XML::Simple module is an easy API to read and write XML files. It offers two main methods: XMLin() and XMLout().
XMLin(str) - Method to parse the XML input into a hash, and return the reference of the hash. The XML input can be specified in 3 ways:
XMLout(ref) - Method to write the hash pointed by the specified reference into an XML string, and return XML string.
If XML::Simple is installed as part of the ActivePerl package. No extra download and installation steps needed.
Here is a simple program to show you how to use XML:Simple:
#- #- Copyright (c) All Rights Reserved. # use XML::Simple; my $xs = new XML::Simple(); my $ref = $xs->XMLin("<p>Hello world!</p>"); my $xml = $xs->XMLout($ref); print $xml; exit;
<opt>Hello world!</opt>
It's interesting to see from the output that the <p> tag has been changed to <opt> during the read and write operations. This is because of the default setting of the option: keeproot. I will explain some of the important options later in this chapter.
Table of Contents
Data Types: Values and Variables
Expressions, Operations and Simple Statements
Name Spaces and Perl Module Files
Hard References - Addresses of Memory Objects
Objects (or References) and Classes (or Packages)
Typeglob and Importing Identifiers from Other Packages
String Built-in Functions and Performance
File Handles and Data Input/Output
Open Directories and Read File Names
File System Functions and Operations
Socket Communication Over the Internet
►XML::Simple Module - XML Parser and Generator
"forcearray" - Forcing Element Contents as Arrays
"suppressempty" - Parsing Empty Elements
"keyattr" - Namings Attributes as Keys - XML Hash Example
SOAP::Lite - SOAP Server-Client Communication Module
Perl Programs as IIS Server CGI Scripts
CGI (Common Gateway Interface)
XML-RPC - Remote Procedure Call with XML and HTTP
RPC::XML - Perl Implementation of XML-RPC
Integrating Perl with Apache Web Server Module for Building Web Pages
LWP::UserAgent and Web Site Testing
Converting Perl Script to Executable Binary