Perl Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples - v6.02, by Herong Yang
Including Script Codes from Other Files
This section describes how to include script code from other files by using the do() function, or the require() function.
There are many reasons for including script code from other files. One of them is that you have a section of code that is identical to many of your script files, and you don't want to copy it to each of your script files. Examples of this type of shared code are default values of controlling variables and common subroutines.
There are two simple ways to include source code from other files:
1. Using do() function to include and execute the source code of the specified file.
2. Using require() function to include and execute the source code of the specified file. require() will do everything do() does, and is smarter than do() in the following areas:
Table of Contents
Data Types: Values and Variables
Expressions, Operations and Simple Statements
►Name Spaces and Perl Module Files
►Including Script Codes from Other Files
do() Function - Including Script Files
require() Function - Including Script Files
"package" Statement - Switching Name Space
BEGIN(), CHECK(), INIT() and END() Functions - A Sample Perl Module
Hard References - Addresses of Memory Objects
Objects (or References) and Classes (or Packages)
Typeglob and Importing Identifiers from Other Packages
String Built-in Functions and Performance
File Handles and Data Input/Output
Open Directories and Read File Names
File System Functions and Operations
Socket Communication Over the Internet
XML::Simple Module - XML Parser and Generator
SOAP::Lite - SOAP Server-Client Communication Module
Perl Programs as IIS Server CGI Scripts
CGI (Common Gateway Interface)
XML-RPC - Remote Procedure Call with XML and HTTP
RPC::XML - Perl Implementation of XML-RPC
Integrating Perl with Apache Web Server Module for Building Web Pages
LWP::UserAgent and Web Site Testing
Converting Perl Script to Executable Binary