Downloading Apache HTTP Server 2.4.12 for Windows

This section describes how to download Apache (HTTP Server) 2.4.12 binary distribution for Windows systems.

In order to serve PHP scripts as Web pages, you need to have a Web server running and integrated with the Perl engine. The most popular Web server today is Apache (HTTP Server). Here is what you should do to download Apache 2.4.12 binary distribution for Windows:

1. If you have an older version of Apache (HTTP Server) running on your computer, uninstall it first.

2. Go to Apache HTTP Server Web site.

3. Go to the "Apache 2.4.* Released" section and click the "Download" link. You will see "Downloading the Apache HTTP Server" page.

4. Go to the "Apache HTTP Server 2.4.* (httpd)" section and click "Files for Microsoft Windows". Do not click the "Binaries" link. The "win32" folder is empty under the "Binaries" link.

5. Go to the "Apache Lounge" site and click "" under the "Apache 2.4.12 Win32" section to start download.

6. Save the downloaded file,, 12,335,452 bytes, in a temporary folder.

See the next tutorial on how to install Apache Windows version.

Last update: 2015.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction and Installation of PHP 7.0

 PHP Script File Syntax

 PHP Data Types and Data Literals

 Variables, References, and Constants

 Expressions, Operations and Type Conversions

 Conditional Statements - "if" and "switch"

 Loop Statements - "while", "for", and "do ... while"

 Function Declaration, Arguments, and Return Values

 Arrays - Ordered Maps

 Configuring and Sending out Emails

 Retrieving Information from HTTP Requests

 Creating and Managing Sessions in PHP Scripts

 Sending and Receiving Cookies in PHP Scripts

 Controlling HTTP Response Header Lines in PHP Scripts

 MySQL Server Connection and Access Functions

 Functions to Manage Directories, Files and Images

 SOAP Extension Function and Calling Web Services

 SOAP Server Functions and Examples

 Localization Overview of Web Applications

 Using Non-ASCII Characters in HTML Documents

 Using Non-ASCII Characters as PHP Script String Literals

 Receiving Non-ASCII Characters from Input Forms

 "mbstring" Extension and Non-ASCII Encoding Management

 Managing Non-ASCII Character Strings with MySQL Servers

 Introduction of Class and Object

Integrating PHP with Apache Web Server

Downloading Apache HTTP Server 2.4.12 for Windows

 Installing Apache HTTP Server 2.4.12 on Windows

 Publishing HTML Documents as Web Pages

 Starting and Stopping Apache Server

 Configuring Apache for PHP CGI Scripts

 Publishing PHP Scripts as Web Pages

 Configuring Apache PHP Load Module

 Outdated Tutorials


 PDF Printing Version