Molecule Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples - v1.26, by Herong Yang
REST Web Service at HGNC
Provides a quick introduction of the REST Web Service for the HGNC database, which allows you to search and fetch human gene symbols, names, aliases, and references to external databases.
If you want to access HGNC database from programs, you can use its REST Web service, which supports 2 types of operations:
1. Fetch Operation - Returns all records with details that match a given value of a given searchable field. Here is the GET URL format and some examples:{field}/{value}
2. Search Operation - Returns all records with id and symbol that match a given search pattern. Here is the GET URL format and some examples:{pattern} where {pattern} can be: simple pattern for all seachable fields like BRAF; BRA?; BRA* simple pattern for a single seachable field like symbol:BRA*; symbol/BRA* complex pattern like: {pattern}+{operator}+{pattern}**+AND+status:Approved
By default, HGNC REST Web service returns result in XML format. But you can change it to JSON format, if you provide the "Accept: application/json" header in the request. For example:
herong$ curl -H "Accept: application/json" \ {"responseHeader":{"status":0,"QTime":2}, "response":{"numFound":4,"start":0,"maxScore":129.873, "docs":[{"hgnc_id":"HGNC:15719","symbol":"OBSCN","score":129.873}, {"hgnc_id":"HGNC:11610","symbol":"TCAP","score":129.873}, {"hgnc_id":"HGNC:12403","symbol":"TTN","score":129.873}, {"hgnc_id":"HGNC:12399","symbol":"MYOT","score":66.198944}]}}
Table of Contents
Molecule Names and Identifications
Nucleobase, Nucleoside, Nucleotide, DNA and RNA
ChEMBL Database - European Molecular Biology Laboratory
PubChem Database - National Library of Medicine
INSDC (International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration)
►HGNC (HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee)
Human Gene Symbol Report by HGNC
Synchronization with HGNC Database