Outdated: 640/400/40MB Test on JRockit 28.2

This section provides a tutorial example on running GCTest2.java on JRockit 28.2.7 with 640MB memory limit and a 400MB base plus 40MB fluctuating memory usage with object size of 1.25MB.

My next test with GCTest2.java was done on JRockit R28.2.7 and maximum memory of 640MB on my Windows 7 system:


   -Xmx640m GCTest2
Test parameters:
   Object size: 1280KB
   Initial objects and data size: 320, 409600KB
   Added objects and data size: 32, 40960KB
Time   Total    Free    Used  Free  Total    Act.    Dead    Over
sec.    Mem.    Mem.    Mem.    %.   Obj.    Obj.    Obj.    Head
   1  558284  107470  450814  19%  450560  409600   40960     254
   2  558284   66415  491869  11%  491520  409600   81920     349
   3  558284   25455  532829   4%  532480  409600  122880     349
   4  655360   81659  573701  12%  450560  409600   40960  123141
   5  655360   40698  614662   6%  491520  409600   81920  123142
   6  655360  122619  532741  18%  450560  409600   40960   82181
   7  655360   81657  573703  12%  491520  409600   81920   82183
   8  655360   40672  614688   6%  532480  409600  122880   82208
   9  655360   81656  573704  12%  450560  409600   40960  123144
  10  655360   40695  614665   6%  491520  409600   81920  123145
  11  655360  122616  532744  18%  450560  409600   40960   82184
  12  655360   81656  573704  12%  491520  409600   81920   82184
  13  655360   40670  614690   6%  532480  409600  122880   82210
  14  655360   81653  573707  12%  450560  409600   40960  123147
  15  655360   40693  614667   6%  491520  409600   81920  123147
  16  655360  122615  532745  18%  450560  409600   40960   82185
  17  655360   81654  573706  12%  491520  409600   81920   82186
  18  655360   40669  614691   6%  532480  409600  122880   82211
  19  655360   81653  573707  12%  450560  409600   40960  123147
  20  655360   40693  614667   6%  491520  409600   81920  123147
  21  655360  122614  532746  18%  450560  409600   40960   82186
  22  655360   81654  573706  12%  491520  409600   81920   82186
  23  655360   40693  614667   6%  532480  409600  122880   82187
  24  655360   81653  573707  12%  450560  409600   40960  123147
  25  655360   40692  614668   6%  491520  409600   81920  123148
  27  655360  122620  532740  18%  450560  409600   40960   82180
  28  655360   81660  573700  12%  491520  409600   81920   82180
  29  655360   40674  614686   6%  532480  409600  122880   82206
  30  655360   81657  573703  12%  450560  409600   40960  123143
  31  655360   40697  614663   6%  491520  409600   81920  123143
  32  655360  122617  532743  18%  450560  409600   40960   82183
  33  655360   81657  573703  12%  491520  409600   81920   82183
  34  655360   40696  614664   6%  532480  409600  122880   82184
  35  655360   81661  573699  12%  450560  409600   40960  123139
  36  655360   40700  614660   6%  491520  409600   81920  123140
  37  655360  122618  532742  18%  450560  409600   40960   82182
  38  655360   81656  573704  12%  491520  409600   81920   82184
  39  655360   40670  614690   6%  532480  409600  122880   82210
  40  655360   81652  573708  12%  450560  409600   40960  123148
  41  655360   40691  614669   6%  491520  409600   81920  123149
  42  655360  122612  532748  18%  450560  409600   40960   82188
  43  655360   81651  573709  12%  491520  409600   81920   82189
  44  655360   40691  614669   6%  532480  409600  122880   82189
  45  655360   81652  573708  12%  450560  409600   40960  123148
  46  655360   40691  614669   6%  491520  409600   81920  123149
  47  655360  122617  532743  18%  450560  409600   40960   82183
  48  655360   81657  573703  12%  491520  409600   81920   82183
  49  655360   40672  614688   6%  532480  409600  122880   82208
  50  655360   81680  573680  12%  450560  409600   40960  123120
  51  655360   40720  614640   6%  491520  409600   81920  123120
 498  655360  163599  491761  24%  450560  409600   40960   41201
 499  655360  122639  532721  18%  491520  409600   81920   41201
 500  655360   81653  573707  12%  532480  409600  122880   41227
 501  655360   40693  614667   6%  573440  409600  163840   41227
 502  655360   40714  614646   6%  450560  409600   40960  164086

The output looks good. The GC worked nicely upto second 502. Comparing with HotSpot Client JVM 1.7.0, you can see 2 main differences:

Last update: 2014.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Heap Memory Area and Size Control

 JVM Garbage Collection Logging

 Introduction of Garbage Collectors

 Serial Collector - "+XX:+UseSerialGC"

 Parallel Collector - "+XX:+UseParallelGC"

 Concurrent Mark-Sweep (CMS) Collector - "+XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC"

 Garbage First (G1) Collector - "+XX:+UseG1GC"

 Object References and Garbage Collection

 Garbage Collection Performance Test Program

 Performance Tests on Serial Collector

 Performance Tests on Parallel collector

 Performance Tests on Concurrent collector

 Performance Tests on G1 collector

 Garbage Collection Performance Test Summary

Outdated Tutorials

 Outdated: GCTest2.java - Garbage Collection Test Program

 Outdated: 640/400/40MB Test on HotSpot Client 1.7

 Outdated: 640/400/40MB Test on HotSpot Client 1.6

Outdated: 640/400/40MB Test on JRockit 28.2

 Outdated: 441/400/40MB Test on JRockit 28.2

 Outdated: 1076/800/80MB Test on HotSpot Client 1.7

 Outdated: 1076/800/80MB Test on HotSpot Client 1.6

 Outdated: 1076/800/80MB Test on JRockit 28.2


 Full Version in PDF/EPUB