Outdated: 1076/800/80MB Test on HotSpot Client 1.7

This section provides a tutorial example on running GCTest2.java on HotSpot Client JVM 1.7.0_45 with 1076MB memory limit and a 800MB base plus 80MB fluctuating memory usage with object size of 1.25MB. It crashed almost immediately.

For the next round of tests, I want to increase the memory usage of my test program to see the impact of JVM.

In the first test, I raised the base and fluctuating memory usages to 800MB and 80MB with 1.7.0_45 on my Windows 7 system which has about 1700 available physical memory.

>\Progra~1\java\jdk1.7.0_45\bin\javac GCTest2.java

>\Progra~1\java\jdk1.7.0_45\bin\java -Xmx1076m GCTest2 1280 640 64
Test parameters:
   Object size: 1280KB
   Initial objects and data size: 640, 819200KB
   Added objects and data size: 64, 81920KB
Time  Total  Free  Used  Free  Total  Act.  Dead  Over
sec.   Mem.  Mem.  Mem.    %.   Obj.  Obj.  Obj.  Head
1  1065152  163740  901412  15%  901120  819200   81920  292
2  1065152   81819  983333   7%  983040  819200  163840  293
3  1065152  163744  901408  15%  901120  819200   81920  288
5  1065152   81823  983329   7%  983040  819200  163840  289
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
        at GCTest2$MyObject.<init>(GCTest2.java:70)
        at GCTest2.myTest(GCTest2.java:37)
        at GCTest2.main(GCTest2.java:22)

Too bad. HotSpot Client 1.7.0_45 crashed almost immediately, with -Xmx1076m.

However, when I added 1MB to the total memory, -Xmx1077m, the JVM was able to continue without any issues:

>\Progra~1\java\jdk1.7.0_45\bin\javac GCTest2.java

>\Progra~1\java\jdk1.7.0_45\bin\java -Xmx1077m GCTest2 1280 640 64
Test parameters:
   Object size: 1280KB
   Initial objects and data size: 640, 819200KB
   Added objects and data size: 64, 81920KB
Time    Total    Free     Used  Free  Total    Act.    Dead    Over
sec.     Mem.    Mem.     Mem.    %.   Obj.    Obj.    Obj.    Head
   1  1067136  165724   901412  15%  901120  819200   81920     292
   2  1067136   83803   983333   7%  983040  819200  163840     293
   3  1067136    1877  1065259   0%  901120  819200   81920  164139
   4  1067136   83807   983329   7%  901120  819200   81920   82209
   5  1067136    1886  1065250   0%  983040  819200  163840   82210
   7  1067136    1886  1065250   0%  901120  819200   81920  164130
   8  1067136   83808   983328   7%  901120  819200   81920   82208
   9  1067136    1886  1065250   0%  983040  819200  163840   82210
  10  1067136    1888  1065248   0%  901120  819200   81920  164128
  12  1067136   83810   983326   7%  901120  819200   81920   82206
  13  1067136    1886  1065250   0%  983040  819200  163840   82210
  14  1067136    1887  1065249   0%  901120  819200   81920  164129
  15  1067136   83803   983333   7%  901120  819200   81920   82213
  16  1067136    1876  1065260   0%  983040  819200  163840   82220
  18  1067136    1873  1065263   0%  901120  819200   81920  164143
  19  1067136   83810   983326   7%  901120  819200   81920   82206
  20  1067136    1841  1065295   0%  983040  819200  163840   82255
  22  1067136    1884  1065252   0%  902400  819200   83200  162852
  23  1067136   83810   983326   7%  902400  819200   83200   80926
  24  1067136    1842  1065294   0%  984320  819200  165120   80974
  25  1067136    1884  1065252   0%  902400  819200   83200  162852
  27  1067136   83810   983326   7%  902400  819200   83200   80926
  28  1067136    1842  1065294   0%  984320  819200  165120   80974
  29  1067136    1884  1065252   0%  902400  819200   83200  162852
  30  1067136   77921   989215   7%  902400  819200   83200   86815
  32  1067136   83811   983325   7%  902400  819200   83200   80925
  33  1067136    1884  1065252   0%  984320  819200  165120   80932
  34  1067136    1884  1065252   0%  902400  819200   83200  162852
  35  1067136   83810   983326   7%  902400  819200   83200   80926
  36  1067136    1841  1065295   0%  984320  819200  165120   80975
  38  1067136    1884  1065252   0%  902400  819200   83200  162852
  39  1067136   83810   983326   7%  902400  819200   83200   80926
  40  1067136    1842  1065294   0%  984320  819200  165120   80974
  41  1067136    1884  1065252   0%  902400  819200   83200  162852
  43  1067136   83810   983326   7%  902400  819200   83200   80926
  44  1067136    1842  1065294   0%  984320  819200  165120   80974
  45  1067136    1884  1065252   0%  902400  819200   83200  162852
  47  1067136   73568   993568   6%  902400  819200   83200   91168
  48  1067136   83811   983325   7%  902400  819200   83200   80925
  49  1067136    1882  1065254   0%  984320  819200  165120   80934
  50  1067136    1884  1065252   0%  902400  819200   83200  162852
 267  1067136   83820   983316   7%  906240  819200   87040   77076
 268  1067136    1851  1065285   0%  988160  819200  168960   77125
 270  1067136    1893  1065243   0%  906240  819200   87040  159003

Conclusion, HotSpot Client JVM 1.7.0_45 requires more than 1076MB to run a program that has a 800MB base memory usage plus 80MB fluctuating memory usage with object size of 1.25MB.

Last update: 2014.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Heap Memory Area and Size Control

 JVM Garbage Collection Logging

 Introduction of Garbage Collectors

 Serial Collector - "+XX:+UseSerialGC"

 Parallel Collector - "+XX:+UseParallelGC"

 Concurrent Mark-Sweep (CMS) Collector - "+XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC"

 Garbage First (G1) Collector - "+XX:+UseG1GC"

 Object References and Garbage Collection

 Garbage Collection Performance Test Program

 Performance Tests on Serial Collector

 Performance Tests on Parallel collector

 Performance Tests on Concurrent collector

 Performance Tests on G1 collector

 Garbage Collection Performance Test Summary

Outdated Tutorials

 Outdated: GCTest2.java - Garbage Collection Test Program

 Outdated: 640/400/40MB Test on HotSpot Client 1.7

 Outdated: 640/400/40MB Test on HotSpot Client 1.6

 Outdated: 640/400/40MB Test on JRockit 28.2

 Outdated: 441/400/40MB Test on JRockit 28.2

Outdated: 1076/800/80MB Test on HotSpot Client 1.7

 Outdated: 1076/800/80MB Test on HotSpot Client 1.6

 Outdated: 1076/800/80MB Test on JRockit 28.2


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