Test Postfix Server with "telnet" Client

This section provides a tutorial example on how to test Postfix server with the 'telnet' client command to send a SMTP request to the server on port 25. Postfix will delivery emails to the '~/Maildir' sub-directory for each user.

One way to test the Postfix server is to use the "telnet" client command. All we need is the IP address of the server and the SMTP port number, which is defaulted to 25. Here is how I did it.

1. Run the following "telnet" session on my CentOS computer where Postfix server is running.

herong$ telnet localhost 25
  Trying ::1...
  Connected to localhost.
  Escape character is '^]'.
  220 mail.herongyang.com ESMTP Postfix
ehlo localhost
  250 SMTPUTF8
mail from: herong
  250 2.1.0 Ok
rcpt to: herong
  250 2.1.5 Ok
  354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
Hello world!
  250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 5EABD266002B
  221 2.0.0 Bye
  Connection closed by foreign host.

2. Make sure that the email is delivered to herong's email directory. The output shows Postfix handles local SMTP requests correctly. And it delivers emails to local email addresses correctly. Note that this email file will be moved the "cur" sub-directory in few minutes.

herong$ cd /home/herong/Maildir/new/

herong$ ls

herong$ more 1605266421.Vfd02I203e0c2M847016.localhost.localdomain
Return-Path: <herong@example.com>
X-Original-To: herong
Delivered-To: herong@example.com
Received: from localhost (localhost [IPv6:::1])
  by mail.herongyang.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 5EABD266002B
  for <herong>; 15 Nov 2023 06:19:34 -0500 (EST)
Message-Id: <20231113111946.5EABD266002B@mail.herongyang.com>
Date: 15 Nov 2023 06:19:34 -0500 (EST)
From: herong@example.com

Hello world!

3. Open firewall to handle remote SMTP requests on port 25.

herong$ sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=smtp
herong$ sudo firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent

4. Run the following "telnet" session on my macOS computer which is connected to the CentOS computer.

herong$ telnet 25
  Connected to
  Escape character is '^]'.
  220 mail.herongyang.com ESMTP Postfix
  250 SMTPUTF8
mail from: herong
  250 2.1.0 Ok
rcpt to: herong
  250 2.1.5 Ok
  354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
Hello again world!
  250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as D86E9266002D
  221 2.0.0 Bye
  Connection closed by foreign host.

5. Check /home/herong/Maildir on the Postfix server to ensure the email is delivered correctly.

Ok. Both tests passed. I can inform others on my local network that my SMTP service is ready for email boxes under my domain name herongyang.com. They can use SMTP client tools to send emails to anyone who has a user account on my CentOS computer using email addresses in the format of <username>@herongyang.com.

As a reference, here a list of commonly used SMTP commands. All commands are case insensitive.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction to Email

Postfix - Mail Transport Agent (MTA)

 What Is Postfix

 Install and Configure Postfix on CentOS

Test Postfix Server with "telnet" Client

 SMTP Submission Service on Port 587 in Postfix

 Archive Emails using "always_bcc" Setting in Postfix

 Move /var/spool/postfix to New Location

 "postconf" Command to Manage Postfix Configuration

 Turn on Postfix Server Logging for Troubleshooting

 SSL/TLS Secure Connections with Postfix Server

 Dovecot - IMAP and POP3 Server

 SSL/TLS Secure Connections with Dovecot Server

 Email Client Tools - Mail User Agents (MUA)

 Mozilla Thunderbird - Mail User Agents (MUA)

 PHPMailer - PHP Package for Sending Emails

 Email Message Format and Headers


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