1994 - 活着 - To Live

活着(To Live), 1994; 导演: 张艺谋(Yimou Zhang); 主演: 葛优(You Ge), 巩俐(Li Gong).

1994 - 活着 - To Live
1994 - 活着 - To Live
年代: 1994
片名: 活着(huo zhe) - To Live
导演: 张艺谋(Yimou Zhang)
编剧: 芦苇(Wei Lu)
主演: 葛优(You Ge), 巩俐(Li Gong)
类别: 剧情
摄制: 西安电影制片厂 - Xi'an
片长: 133 分钟

公福贵是一个嗜赌如命的纨绔子弟,把家底儿全输光了,老爹也气死了,怀孕的妻 子家珍带着女儿凤霞离家出走,一年之后又带着新生的儿子有庆回来了。福贵从此 洗心革面,和同村的春生一起操起了皮影戏的营生...


Fugui and Jiazhen endure tumultuous events in China as their personal fortunes move from wealthy landownership to peasantry. Addicted to gambling, Fugui loses everything...


1995, Won 最佳影片 not in the English Language, BAFTA Film Award
1994, Won 最佳男主角, Cannes Film Festival - 戛纳
1994, Won Grand Prize of the Jury, Cannes Film Festival - 戛纳
1994, Won Prize of the Ecumenical Jury, Cannes Film Festival - 戛纳
1994, Nominated Golden Palm, Cannes Film Festival - 戛纳
1995, Nominated 最佳女主角, Chlotrudis Award
1995, Nominated Best Foreign Language Film, Golden Globe, USA


Table of Contents

 About This Book

 2010 - 2019 Period

 2000 - 2009 Period

1990 - 1999 Period - 九十年代

 1999 - 那山、那人、那狗 - Postmen in the Mountains

 1998 - 小武 - The Pickpocket

 1997 - 鸦片战争 - The Opium War

 1997 - 西夏路迢迢 - The Journey to Xia Empire

 1996 - 红河谷 - Red River Valley

 1994 - 阳光灿烂的日子 - In the Heat of the Sun

1994 - 活着 - To Live

 1994 - 饮食男女 - Eat Drink Man Woman

 1993 - 蓝风筝 - The Blue Kite

 1993 - 喜宴 - The Wedding Banquet

 1993 - 香魂女 - The Women from the Lake of Scented Souls

 1993 - 霸王别姬 - Farewell My Concubine

 1992 - 秋菊打官司 - The Story of Qiu Ju

 1992 - 推手 - Pushing Hands

 1991 - 大红灯笼高高挂 - Raise the Red Lantern

 1990 - 菊豆 - Ju Dou

 1980 - 1989 Period - 八十年代

 1970 - 1979 Period - 七十年代

 1960 - 1969 Period - 六十年代

 1950 - 1959 Period - 五十年代

 1940 - 1949 Period - 四十年代

 1930 - 1939 Period - 三十年代

