Comparing Chinese Horoscope with Western Horoscope

This section describes a brief comparison between Chinese Horoscope and Western Horoscope.

If you look at how the Eight Words are constructed, you will see that:

1. The Year Pillar, the first two-word, is similar to the Jupiter Sign used in Western Horoscope. Remember Jupiter travel almost one zodiac sign per year.

2. The Month Pillar, the second two-word, is closely mapped to the Tropical Sun Sign used in Western Horoscope. Here is how they are mapped:

Month Pillar    Date     Term   Sun Sign

*寅 虎 Tiger    Feb. 4   立春   Aquarius, the Water Bearer
*寅 虎 Tiger    Feb.19   雨水   Pisces, the Fish
*卯 兔 Rabbit   Mar. 6   惊蛰   Pisces, the Fish
*卯 兔 Rabbit   Mar.21   春分   Aries, the Ram
*辰 龙 Dragon   Apr. 5   清明   Aries, the Ram
*辰 龙 Dragon   Apr.20   谷雨   Taurus, the Bull
*巳 蛇 Snake    May  6   立夏   Taurus, the Bull
*巳 蛇 Snake    May 21   夏满   Gemini, the Twins
*午 马 Horse    Jun. 6   芒种   Gemini, the Twins
*午 马 Horse    Jun.22   夏至   Cancer, the Crab
*未 羊 Sheep    Jul. 7   小暑   Cancer, the Crab
*未 羊 Sheep    Jul.23   大暑   Leo, the Lion
*申 猴 Monkey   Aug. 8   立秋   Leo, the Lion
*申 猴 Monkey   Aug.23   处暑   Virgo, the Virgin
*酉 鸡 Rooster  Sep. 8   白露   Virgo, the Virgin
*酉 鸡 Rooster  Sep.23   秋分   Libra, the Balance
*戌 狗 Dog      Oct. 8   寒露   Libra, the Balance
*戌 狗 Dog      Oct.24   霜降   Scorpio, the Scorpion
*亥 猪 Pig      Nov. 8   立冬   Scorpio, the Scorpion
*亥 猪 Pig      Nov.22   小雪   Sagittarius, the Archer
*子 鼠 Rat      Dec. 7   大雪   Sagittarius, the Archer
*子 鼠 Rat      Dec.22   冬至   Capricorn, the Goat
*丑 牛 Ox       Jan. 6   小寒   Capricorn, the Goat
*丑 牛 Ox       Jan.20   大寒   Aquarius, the Water Bearer

3. The Hour Pillar, the fourth two-word, is similar to the House element used in Western Horoscope.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Quick Introduction to Astrology

 Basics of Astrology and Astronomy



 Introduction to Western Zodiac Signs

 Horoscope and Horoscopic Astrology

 Horoscope and Planets

Chinese Astrology and Horoscope

 Chinese Astrology Overview

 Chinese Year Numbering System

 Chinese Lunar Month System

 Solar Terms Used in Chinese Calendar

 Chinese Horoscope and Eight Words

 Chinese Horoscope Interpretation

Comparing Chinese Horoscope with Western Horoscope

 Chinese Zodiac Animal Signs


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